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His lips were pressing feverishly against mine and moving down my jaw, bringing my body closer to his, gripping me tight like he was afraid I would disappear. He nibbled on my jaw, ignoring my pleas to stop and bit down harshly right on my pulse, not enough to draw blood but it would definitely leave his mark. I swallowed the groan that wanted to escape my mouth and tried to push him away only to look at his confused face.

Seeing Jungkook like that only made me feel worse. He was kissing me with such passion and fervor that I couldn't help the sob that escaped my lips as tears trailed down my cheeks. He had feelings for me all that time and I didn't even knew. Upon seeing that I wasn't responding back to his kiss, he leaned back, looking at me with glassy eyes.

"Is there something wrong, baby?" He asked, taking my hand into his. I shook my head, biting my lip to prevent any more tears from falling as I tried to smile.

"Kookie, we are not a couple." I tried to sound as gentle as I could, giving his state of mind.

"What? Are you saying you're breaking up with me?" He furrowed his brows, scooting away from me.

"No. We were never a couple." I tried again and he started shaking his head violently in denial.

"No, no, no. You said you loved me, Rei. Don't you remember?" His tears were falling, sniffling at the end. "That night in the club. When we held that masquerade party." He started shaking. "You said.. you said you loved me."

It broke my heart to see him like that. He was talking about my date with Taehyung.

"I do love you, Jungkook. But as my best friend." I extended my hand to reach him but he slapped it away, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Jungkook." I lowered my head before I turned away, not looking back at him. I couldn't look at him in that state.


[Jungkook's POV]

The lights were flickering, reflecting off the small mirroring globes that hung onto the club's ceiling as the music kept its steady beat, not too bouncy but not too slow. I was waiting for her after Tae Hyung told me to prepare the club for the masquerade thrown for our hyungs. I bought her the prettiest dress I could find after searching for an entire day. My feet were killing me but the look on her face after she saw the dress was worth tiring myself over. Taehyung hyung is supposed to bring her to me, so we could spend the entire night on the dance floor.

My breath caught in my throat when she entered the club. She looked like an actual angel. The lights were shining down her face and the dress looked like it was made for her body. I waited, frozen in place until she got to my side and I leaned in to place a small peck on her cheek as I took her hand in mine.

"Rei, you look so..." I tried to find the perfect word but none seemed to match, so I stuck with, "angelic." She shied away at my words, biting her bottom lip.

"Thank you. You look handsome, too." She smiled at me, her cheeks dusted with pink.

I started walking her towards the middle of the dance floor for our first dance of the night and I was lucky that the song changed into a slow one, giving me the perfect opportunity to pull her closer by her waist as she placed her arms around my neck, moving slowly to match the beat. She smiled, stepping closer until the space between our bodies disappeared and placed her head on my shoulder.

"You are so beautiful, you know that?" I whispered placing a kiss at her temple and she giggled.

"You said it so many times, I'm starting to believe it." She chuckled, straightening her body to look in my eyes. "You are beautiful too, you know?" She leaned in to catch my lips in a soft and gentle kiss.

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