I - 29

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The ride to the hotel was pretty long as it was outside the city right next to a train station in the middle of the woods. The road that led to the building we had to arrive to was a country one and it was connected to the highway. Jimin was still pretty much unconscious on the back seat, whining from time to time when the car would bump into the annoying holes in the road. I could see Taehyung almost falling asleep but he was strong and held the fatigue in when his eyes would close for the slightest second.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" I asked once again but he shook his head.

After some time, the big sign of the "Hotel Royale" came in sight and I couldn't have been any more relieved. The parking lot was almost empty, aside from 3 cars that were scattered around. Taehyung parked the car close to the entrance to make it easier for us to carry Jimin to the room.

We both got out of the vehicle and opened the door in the back to try and get the older out of the car faster. Taehyung looked like he was gonna pass out any second and the very thought was scaring me because I wouldn't have been able to carry them both at the same time.

I managed to put Jimin's hand around my neck and pulled him out, leaning his body against the car before Taehyung came to the other side and mimicked my motions. He made sure to lock the car and we slowly entered the lobby.

"Wait here on the couch until I check in at the reception." I whispered leaning Jimin's body onto the couch and Taehyung followed him.

As I got to the reception counter, a middle-aged woman looking up from her computer with a questioning and slightly shocked look. I would've looked the same if I saw someone half covered in blood with their hair a total mess.

"Yes? May I help you?" She pushed her glasses further up her nose.

"Yes. I have a room here. Nr 1010, 10th floor." I pulled out the key from my pocket to show it to her.

"Is there something wrong?" She questioned.

"No. Just can you please tell me where the elevator is? And make sure nobody is allowed without checking in with me first?" I looked around.

"The elevator is right down that hallway." She pointed to her left. "And I'll check in with you if someone asks for this room. Anything else?" She nodded.

"No, thank you." I smiled slightly before I turned around.

"Have a nice stay, Miss Byun." She said as I was walking back to the lobby.

Miss Byun? He used his real name? What if Chanyeol would find us? There is no time to leave now. Not until Taehyung gets better and we tend to Jimin's wounds as well. I nodded towards Taehyung to let him know we were okay and took a hold of the unconscious boy once again as we headed towards the elevator.

Once inside, I pressed the button for the 10th floor and we waited for the doors to open once we got there. The hallway was pretty long but we were lucky it was the 10th door and we got to it in no time. I unlocked the door and opened it wide as we struggled to step through the slim doorway.

As soon as we got into the living room, we placed Jimin on the couch and I went straight into the bathroom to wash my hands and face. I was lucky they didn't touch me but poor Taehyung and Jimin were covered in bruises and cuts.

"Rei! Come here, please." A weak shout of my name made me hurry up with my washing and went back to the boys. "Come here." He motioned for me to kneel in front of him. "Turn around." And I did.

He tilted my head to the right and sunk in his fangs, gulping the red salty liquid in a rush. He was panting but not stopping. I felt my heart beat faster and faster and I let out a whine to attract his attention. He pulled out slowly and kissed the wound to heal faster.

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