I - 11

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It's been two weeks since Baekhyun's warning, which Taehyung decided to ignore and two weeks where Taehyung and I grew closer. We advanced to texting instead of waiting to bump into each other or visiting each other's houses. We started talking and it seemed that we did have some things in common. I've also been thinking about his proposal and decided to give it a try.

My need for his blood grew bigger and he didn't hesitate to notice that I wouldn't step on my pride to ask when I needed him.


It's because he craves for something more. Good luck with that.

She replied to my text after I asked her why I had that weird feeling in my body like I couldn't get enough of him. As I was writing my reply, my phone started vibrating and it showed another notification from Taehyung.


Hi, babe. What do you say if we get together later for a movie at your place.

My heart started beating faster as I read the words, worry washed over my body as I thought about what Kiki said (yeah, we've reached the nickname phase) and I hesitated to reply. In the next minute, my phone rang and it showed his ID caller. I pressed the answer button and put the phone next to my ear.

"Yes?" I mumbled into the microphone.

"So? What do you say?" He asked, excited.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Tae..." My voice trailed off, trying to find an excuse.

"Why not? Come on, Jungkook is having a couple of girls over and I'm not in the mood to hear his moans all night." He said, pleading.

"What about Aotaki and Jimin?" I asked.

"They're going on some special date. I don't know and I don't care. Please, I need you so badly." He begged. I sighed heavily. "I promise I won't do anything you won't agree. I just need to be with you for a bit."

"Fine." I let out in a sigh.

"Great. Open the door, please." He said in a cheerful voice and hung up.

"Damn it." I cursed out loud as I looked at my clothes, walking around in the kitchen. Why didn't I change my PJs before I came down to eat? He's gonna get the wrong idea if I open up the door in my short PJ dress. And I can't go up to my bedroom either because he's gonna see me through the window of my front door. "Damn it." I cursed again, making my way to the door to let him in.

As soon as I cracked the door open, I saw his gaze going up my legs, reaching my face as he bit his lip.

"Damn, babe. If I knew you were gonna greet me like this..." He said, stepping through the door and he wrapped an arm around my waist and cupped my cheek with the other as he leaned closer, capturing my lips in a slow kiss.

"Tae... ." I mumbled into his mouth in a whiny tone, feeling my heart pounding. I wanted more but I couldn't do it just yet. We have just started dating and I don't want him or the others to think I'm a slut for Kim Taehyung.

"Sorry." He apologized, pecking my lips once more before pulling away. "I'll just go make some popcorn and you can choose the movie." He said as he already reached the kitchen's doorway.

"Okay but I'm gonna go change first." I looked at him and he pouted while nodding slowly.

I quickly ran upstairs and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, styling my hair in a messy bun. Even though outside was a little chilly, inside my house was burning hot and I would always wear t-shirts and shorts. When I got downstairs, Taehyung was already sitting on the couch, eating some popcorn.

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