II - 4

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Rei was packing up their luggage when Taehyung entered their bedroom, sighing as he let himself fall back on the bed's mattress. After a few minutes of hearing his groans, muffled by his hands that were rubbing at his face in frustration, Rei decided to break the tense atmosphere.

"What's wrong, Tae?" She turned her head towards him as she was folding a pair of pants.

"Nothing new... It's just..." He sighed, sitting up straight and faking a smile tugging at his lips, "Ah, don't worry about it." He waved her off as he stood up from the bed. "How's the packing going?" He came behind her, circling her waist with his arms as he placed a sweet kiss on her cheek.

"I'm almost done." Rei leaned into his touch, resting her head against his, feeling the warmth of his skin. "Have you bought the tickets?" She asked, bending over to put the clothes into the suitcase as he hummed in approval.

Taehyung smirked as he kept his hands on her hips, the position bringing ideas into his mind as he bit his lips to prevent himself from smiling too widely at his own thoughts. He pressed his crotch onto her bottom and she jumped up straight with a surprised yelp, her back pressed against his chest. He let out a soft chuckle as his palm went under her shirt, caressing her tummy with the intent of reaching her breasts but she placed her hand on top of his, stopping it from moving.

"W-what are y-you doing?" Rei's soft voice came out a little stuttery as he traced her neck with the tip of his nose, leaving a tingling feeling that rose goosebumps in its trail.

"Distracting myself with my beautiful girlfriend." His low voice melted her insides but she tried to keep her mind focused on the task she had at hand.

"So I'm just a distraction for you?" She teased in a playful manner. Rei knew Taehyung loved her but if she was given the opportunity she'd take it. Besides, he was so tense and stressed with everything that was going on and she needed to bring back the playful side of her boyfriend.

"What? No! Of course not-" He defended immediately, tightening his arms around her as if she would run away from him.

"Relax, babe. I know. I was just joking." She chuckled, turning around into his arms to look at him properly.

"Oh." He grinned shyly and was taken by surprise when Rei pressed her lips against his mouth in a quick move, leaving him starstruck before he laughed softly. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be." He chuckled as he trailed his hand down to her thighs and picked her up to throw her onto the mattress, watching how she bounced against it.

"Yah! I have to pack and it's already late." She laughed, trying to get up but Taehyung sat on her lap, pinning her arms on either side of her head.

"Later." He smirked, lowering himself to kiss along her jawline. "Now, I want a taste of you." He whispered huskily, making her gulp.

"B-but we'll be late." She panted, squirming away from him as she pushed his chest, helplessly. "Can't you wait a little longer?" She asked, gasping when he sucked a mark on her pulse.

"But you smell so good, princess." He pressed kisses on the column of her neck, a hand caressing her exposed thigh, taking advantage of her choice of clothing that night as it consisted in a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt of Taehyung's since she loved the way it looked on her. Needless to say how happy he was when he saw her trying it on for the first time. "Just one bite. That's all I need. For now." He whispered so hypnotically into her ear that she couldn't say anything but nod at his request.

Taehyung smirked against her skin before he lowered his head into the depth between her shoulder and neck, lapping at the reddened skin where he sucked earlier and reveling in the shudder it sent throughout her body. In one swift motion, his fangs pierced her artery, making him moan at the taste of her sweet blood overflowing his mouth.

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