II - 1

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"What's up, my Queen?" Taehyung smiled at his sister as she rolled her eyes at his antics. Rei bowed respectfully and tried not to make eye contact with her, still kind of scared of the girl.

As soon as Taehyung saw the text on his phone first thing in the morning, he woke up Rei and drove to see his sister about the matter. Taehyung made sure Jungkook was in good hands with the guards before they left and now there they were, anxious to know what Queen CL has found.

"Taehyung. And Rei, was it?" She turned to look at Rei, the girl nodding with her eyes glued to the floor as Taehyung sighed loudly.

"Why are you like this?" He glared at his sister as he went closer to Rei before he raised her chin to make her look at him. "Don't mind her. She's just kidding. Right, Sis?" He raised a brow at CL.

"I-It's fine, Tae." Rei stuttered before she cleared her throat.

"You know it takes me some time to form my impression of someone, Taehyung. I know you love her but that's what you said about the others and where are they now?" CL spoke as she waved her hands matter of factly.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at her before he sighed again, dropping the subject which was probably the best because he was going to answer some questions about the others when they'd leave the penthouse.

"Whatever. What was it that you found about Jungkook?" Taehyung said, moving to look out the window at the crowded streets below them.

"Yes. After some chats with Chanyeol, I've found out that there are some artifacts that might help bring back Jungkook's sanity." CL looked through the stack of papers in front of her, searching for the piece that held the names of the items they'd need.

"Chats? He just happened to tell you this willingly?" Taehyung chuckled bitterly, looking at his sister.

"Not willingly, but let's not get into details." She waved him off, clearly not pleased to reveal her methods of persuasion. "Ah, here it is." She said as she pulled a piece a paper from the stack, handing it to Taehyung.

"What is this?" He questioned as he turned the paper in his hand to read the names. "The Sword of Manitu and the Twin Mayan Mirrors." Taehyung looked at her confused. "Where are we supposed to find these things?"

"I will have someone to search for them and when they'll find them, you'll be the one to escort them back home." She announced, standing from her chair. "Now, go home and try to keep Jungkook from hurting himself any longer."

"How are we supposed to do that? He won't listen to anything I say and he only wants to be with Rei." He looked at the ground in front of his sister's feet, sadness clear in his voice.

"He needs you as much as he needs Rei. Don't show him your sorrow and try to be more active with him. I don't know, go on a vacation or something." She shrugged.

"I don't know about that. I'll think about it. Just call me when you have the artifacts." He sighed, taking Rei's hand into his and heading for the elevators.

The whole ride back to their home, all Rei could think about was the vacation CL talked about. It was summer as well and it would be nice to go clear their minds and relax after everything that happened even though they weren't free of worries. But she wanted to be alone with her boyfriend to get to knew each other better outside the vampire world. She knew how selfish she sounded but it was true. Rei loved Jungkook as her best friend and she hated seeing him the way he was but that didn't change the fact that she needed some alone time with Taehyung, her actual boyfriend.

For the last three months, all she did was watch Taehyung spend every little second with Jungkook and when he wasn't with him, he'd talk about him. Rei wanted that vacation now that she thought about it but how will she convince Taehyung to come along without Jungkook?

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