I - 17

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It took us all day to arrange our stuff in the right places. We had a large closet incorporated into the living room's wall with 2 big mirror sliding doors. It was spacious enough for the both of us. Next to it, was the tv that was placed on a glass table and in front of it was the coffee table and a lilac couch, which Aotaki pointed out the minute she saw it since it is her favorite color.

My bedroom was painted baby blue and it had a king sized bed that was situated between 2 square brown nightstands, the same color as the bed's frame and the small table I had by the door.

Aotaki's was a pinkish color that she protested against taking but her view compensated for the color as it showed the lake that was near the campus. Her furniture was a lighter color than mine but it had the same ensemble.

I was in my room with Jungkook as he was helping me put on my bed's comforter. The elastic just didn't want to stay around the mattress.

"Thank you for helping us today. Sorry it took this long." I smiled as I passed my hand over the bed's surface to get rid of the crinkles.

"Don't worry about it. That is what friends are for." He straightened his back, letting out strangled sounds from the fatigue that took over his body.

I heard Aotaki's voice calling us to dinner and we made our way towards the kitchen where she was waiting for us with two large pizzas.

We sat around the coffee table, Jungkook and I taking the couch since she preferred to sit on the floor with her back facing the tv.

"Girls, do me a favor and don't move out again." Kookie whined and we chuckled as his eyes were failing in keeping him awake.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocked and took it out to view the notification. It was a text message from Taehyung.

From TaeTae:

Babe, where are you? Are you okay?

Every muscle in my body wanted to type out my location but instead I ignored the text and placed the phone back in my pocket. I excused myself and went to the bathroom to take a shower and eventually go to bed.

After I got out of the shower, I checked my phone to see that I had several voice messages.

"Rei, call me back. You're worrying me." And his voice sounded so concerned that it almost broke my heart.

"Are you mad at me again? At least let me know you're okay." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for what it's worth. I miss you. Please come home soon. Good night, my princess." His voice cracked at the end. I couldn't control myself any longer and I broke down.

I bit my lip to stop the sobs from coming out but a loud one slipped past my lips and in a few minutes Aotaki opened my door to check on me.

When she saw me in tears, she gave me a pitiful look and sat on the edge of my bed, not knowing what to do to calm me down.

"It's okay, Rei. He'll come around." She comforted, rubbing my back as she pulled me into a hug and I silently let out the tears.

I couldn't say a word. I didn't know what to say. I was so tired and my head was hurting and truthfully I wanted his blood to make it all go away like it always did.

"I did the spell you asked me to. Jungkook helped me and he crashed on the couch." She informed me. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" She asked and I nodded, making room for her to lie down next to me.

I fell asleep to her patting my head, trying to make me feel better. I was woken up by a loud thud on our front door and we got out of my room to see the maknae dead asleep through the loud noise. In our sleepy state, we opened the door to reveal an angry Taehyung with Jimin by his side.

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