II - 3

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After Taehyung called Jin to come to their house to take care of the maknae, the couple went to Queen CL for guidance towards the location of the artifacts. They haven't told anything to Jungkook yet since they didn't even know if their decision to take the trip was final. Taehyung was still contemplating if he should let his dongsaeng alone with another hyung but Rei was positive she could change his mind.

"Taehyung, Rei. Why are you here? Is there something wrong?" CL asked, her forehead creasing in worry.

"Not really." Taehyung fidgeted. He didn't want to speak up about their sudden interest in the trip.

"If I may," Rei interrupted, stepping forward. The queen nodded in approval to speak and Rei took a deep breath before she began, "After some discussions, we decided to take matters into our own hands and go search for the artifacts, ourselves."

"Oh? You intend to take Jungkook on this trip in his state?" CL raised a brow.

"No, My Queen. We came to the conclusion that Jungkook should stay home with Taehyung's hyung, Jin, to take care of him while we're gone. They are pretty close as well." Rei looked at Taehyung for agreement but he had his eyes glued to the floor.

"Is this true, Taehyung-shi?" CL asked and Taehyung nodded. "Then why are you lying to me? Taehyung, you know I know you better than you know yourself."

"I'm not lying." He finally looked up at her more composed than ever. "I want to find that cure as fast as possible. I can't go on like this. I have to do something, Noona." Taehyung clenched his fists. It took Rei by surprise to hear him so confident in his decision so suddenly when she thought she'd have to convince him to take the trip.

CL looked around for a moment, searching through one of the office's drawers and pulled out a folded map. She dropped it on the desk and after a final look at her brother and sister in law, she unfolded the piece of paper that revealed to be Japan's map.

"You know, we have GPS on our phones, right?" Taehyung laughed, earning a glare from his sister. "I just thought I'd let you know." He nodded, retreating a step back.

"Anyways, we have something, it's not much but my men seemed to have found something around Tokyo but I don't know the exact location. There are a couple of areas circled on this map. We can't use a GPS, Taehyung because others might find them before us and we don't want that to happen, now, do we?" CL glared at him, shaking her head as Taehyung nodded, eyeing the floor in embarrassment.

"And how are we going to know where to look for them?" Rei asked.

"In each area that is pointed out, you'll find a museum. You should find them there." CL nodded, handing the map to Rei as she eyed the human with a wary glance. "When are you leaving?"

"Tonight." Taehyung said in a stern voice. "Thanks for the info, sis." He added, taking Rei's hand and heading to the door.

Once outside the building, he waved towards a taxi in hopes he'd stop to take their order. It was almost noon and the city was mostly clear out of the agglomeration of cars and crowded sidewalks, which worked to their advantage.

"I thought your sister was supposed to pay for this trip." Rei spoke in a low voice once they were in the backseat of the cab.

"I don't need her paying for my business. I can pay for it myself." He said, slightly upset.

"Is there something wrong?" Rei placed a hand over his hand, squeezing it lightly.

"No." He sighed. "It's just... I don't want her to think I'm her little brother anymore. I can take care of myself without her help." He looked at Rei, his eyes falling over her lips before he leaned in to peck her softly.

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