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I felt his teeth piercing through my skin as every muscle in my body relaxed under his touch. He put his left hand on my cheek and I leaned into his touch, unwillingly giving him more access to my main vein. My hands dropped to the hem of his shirt to try and maintain my weight. I saw Kookie averting his eyes as he moved towards the couch where Jimin and Aotaki laid on. 

As Jungkook took a seat next to Aotaki, Jimin was glancing at her uncovered neck, licking his lips at the sight. She saw him leaning forward, opening his mouth to reveal his fangs and raised her hand to stop him as she whispered: "Not now." Jimin whined but gave up, pouting and moving his gaze to stare at the floor. Jungkook leaned forward to have a better look at the scene but was caught by his noona, Aotaki, and she covered his eyes with her hands. 

"Yah! What are you doing?" He said startled, slapping the hands covering his eyes. 

"You're too young to see this kind of things." She deadpanned, not moving her hands. 

"But I've DONE this kind of things." He yelled, struggling to uncover his eyes. Aotaki frustrated him more than anything in the world when she was acting like a biological mother. Hell, grandmother, at this point.

"He actually saw us do that kind of thing." Jimin pointed out, laughing suggestively. 

"That was an accident!" She shouted as she slapped her boyfriend's arm. Jungkook rolled his eyes at them, pointing at the couple before them, shouting "Oh My God! Stop talking, please."

As they were shouting in the background, Taehyung pressed his fangs deeper into my neck making me let out a whimper, tugging tighter at his shirt. "Taehyung.." I gasped. "Stop. It hurts." I whispered as I tried to push him away, but my body betrayed me as my hand fell back down. Fortunately for me, Kookie heard my cry for help as he got up from the couch and stepped towards us.

"Hyung! I think that's enough. Are you trying to kill her?" Jungkook snapped, making Taehyung retrieve his fangs, letting me fall on the floor as he turned to glare at him. The younger flinched as he saw Taehyung move in his direction, blood dripping from his mouth. 

"Say that again?" Taehyung said with a smirk on his face, licking the blood left on his lips. Jungkook froze in his spot as the older came closer to him.

"Hyung, I didn't mean it like that." He apologized, waving his hand. Taehyung stood still, glaring at the, now, scared boy. When the younger opened his mouth again, words weren't coming out as he saw Taehyung turn around heading to the door and closed it behind him.

I looked around the room confused to see Aotaki, Jimin and Jungkook stare at me and I stared back at them, coming back to my senses and realizing what just happened. Fear started building up in my chest as I gathered my strength to lift myself up from the floor, my legs shaking. I started walking towards the door when I heard Jungkook call my name "Rei, where are you going?" but I didn't stop and he dropped it when Aotaki told him to let it go.

I rushed through the door and left the club, walking through the night. It was dark and I checked my phone to look at the time as it read 12:30 AM. I looked for a taxi, afraid to walk alone through the dark streets but there was none in sight. I started walking towards my home as I kept glancing behind me, hoping one would show up.

Fortunately, I saw a yellow car speeding towards me and I waved my hand to stop it. After I got in, I gave the driver my address and he took off. The whole ride I tried to process the fact that the only friend that I made since I came here was now a vampire along with his best friends. My thoughts shifted to Aotaki. How could she be around them? Wasn't she afraid that they were going to kill her in the end? 

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