II - 2

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A week had passed since CL sent her people to look for the artifacts and no answer was given. They tried to wait patiently for her call but every day that passed was more and more painful because it seemed like the items weren't as real as Chanyeol made them be. Rei started to think he might have just used that as an excuse to save his sorry ass. Taehyung, on the other hand, had another opinion.

"Rei, you don't know my sister. If she said Chanyeol told her the truth then he did." Taehyung said as he ran his fingers over Rei's arm, cuddled on the couch and watching a movie.

"What if he used his magic on her?" Rei frowned, pouting when Taehyung laughed out loud while patting her head.

"Love, she is the Queen for a reason. That means she earned the right to possess all disciplines. Don't worry about it. She knows what she's doing." He smiled warmly at her before he kissed her temple.

"Oh. Can I ask you something?" Rei turned in his arms, facing him.

"Of course, babe." He turned his attention from the tv to her.

"Why didn't you become the king?" Rei asked, playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Why? Do you wanna be a queen?" He smirked playfully as Rei's cheeks colored up in a light pink.

"I'm serious." Rei slapped his chest gently as he chuckled.

"I didn't have a mate and CL happened to have chosen some douche just to inherit the power." Taehyung scoffed.

"Why didn't you do that?" She asked softly as she looked up into his eyes.

"Because I believe in love. Unlike her." He said, lowering his head to place a soft, quick peck on Rei's lips, making her blush.

Rei deemed it to be the perfect time to express her feelings for her lover with the lights off and the tv emanating just enough light to make it romantic. It was past midnight and they just put Jungkook to sleep, hardly, but they did and now they had some time for themselves, finally.

She leaned up to kiss him properly, parting her lips just as she reached his mouth because she missed those lips so much and his skillful tongue that worked her up so quickly. She missed his warm and wet mouth that she grew so accustomed with. Rei bit on his bottom lip eagerly because who knew if something might interrupt them. Taehyung yelped in surprise because she never took control when it came to anything related to sex.

"Babe-" He was cut off by her lips. "Fuck. Rei, slow down." His words were muffled as he pulled away and pinned her securely to the couch. "What's gotten into you?" He laughed shortly as he watched her eyes sparkle only to result in a tear sliding down her cheek. "Shit. Baby, what's wrong?" He cooed, pulling her into a hug as he leaned back against the couch.

"Nothing." She mumbled, hiding her face into his chest as he tried to hold her chin up but she refused, shaking her head.

"Princess, why are you crying?" He wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"I don't know. I hate this." She sobbed, going limp in his arms.

"I know, babe, but we just have to wait a little longer." He tried to comfort but her muffled sniffles were telling him otherwise.

"You don't understand. Yes, I hate the fact that Jungkook is sick and I hate the fact that we have to wait for so long but what I hate the most is the fact that you're so far away from me and I'm scared." She gripped his shirt, afraid he was going to disappear any second if she let go.

"I'm sorry... I..." He didn't know what to say. He did feel the same way but he couldn't abandon his Jungkook in the situation they were in and she understood that but it was getting harder and harder every day.

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