I - 2

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I could not process what was happening until the cold air of the night hit my skin when the back door of the building opened, leading to an abandoned alley in the back of the club. He was holding me tight, making sure I couldn't escape his grip. To prevent me from seeing his face, he turned my head the other way with forcefully, exposing my bare neck. As he leaned his head further, I could feel his lips brushing against my skin, struggling to breathe in the air that felt a lot heavier now.

He parted his lips and I let out a whimper when his fangs pierced through my delicate skin, sinking into my artery. He drank the hot red liquid that was overflowing from my neck, making my breath unstable from the weird but addicting feeling that was lingering through my body. I let my body relax and he felt me under his touch, loosening up his grip. I let my head fall on his shoulder as the pheromones traveled through my body, not wanting the feeling to ever end. He broke me out of my trance when he pulled his fangs out, making me feel empty. I collapsed in his arms and he let go of my body, falling onto the hard ground. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw the same door opening and 2 bodies came through it. I squeezed my eyes, raising my head slightly from the ground to get a better look at their faces. It was Aotaki with her boyfriend, Jimin.

I tried to speak, but my body was too weak to obey my command. He slammed the door closed and pushed Aotaki into it, putting each of his arms on either side of her head. Jimin gave her a peck on the lips and started placing small kisses on her jaw line down to her neck. I let out a yelp as I cried out in pain capturing her attention. She shoved him away, following the cry for help until she noticed me lying on the cold, hard ground. She came by my side to help me get up. She put my hand around her neck for support and turned to Jimin, telling him to order a cab. They both stayed by my side until the taxi arrived. Then Aotaki gestured something to her boyfriend and he got back into the club while she joined me in the cab. 

"What's your address?" She asked, shaking me so I wouldn't fall asleep. I whispered it into her ear and leaned back against the car seat, feeling my eyes puffy from the crying.

"Hang on, we're almost there." She said, moving the hair out of my face. I saw her looking at my neck and her eyes widened as she brought up her phone to text someone. 

I leaned my head on the car's window, looking at the bright full moon, replaying in my head the past events, making me want more of that feeling. More of him. 

As soon as the car pulled into the driveway, Aotaki took my hand again to help me out of the car and took my purse to look trough it to find my keys. She opened the door and sat me on the couch, turning on the tv. Then she left the room and returned after 5 minutes with her hands full of boxes of ice cream and chocolates.

"Eat these. It will raise your glucose," She said, dropping the sweets onto my lap and went back into my kitchen. "Do you any food based on iron? You know: fish, chicken, eggs or beans?" She shouted from the other room.

"What? No, I just moved here yesterday. I didn't have time to go grocery shopping. Why?" I said as I chewed on a chocolate bar.

She popped her head out of the kitchen's doorway, letting out a sigh in frustration "It's like you don't even go to the same school as me. You lost a lot of blood, idiot. You need a lot of vitamins to regain your strength."

"I'll be fine. I just need to take a warm bath and sleep. Thank you for taking me home." I said and tried to lift myself up to get upstairs but I fell back down on the couch. 

She let out a sigh. "I'll help you get to the bathroom, but that is all. I'm not getting into the room with you." She said, looking at me straight in the eyes. I raised my eyebrow at her as I said "Why would you even think that? Of course, you're not getting in!" I took my hand off her shoulders and turned the door knob to get in. She went back downstairs and let me take my bath in peace.

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