I - 20

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A couple of days has passed since I took a break from Taehyung, ignoring his calls and texts and avoiding him at University as well. It was hard to not run back to him and tell him everything was alright because truthfully, I missed him and I had an unsettling feeling in my stomach that wouldn't let me breathe properly.

Aotaki, on the other hand, has been spending her lunch breaks with Yugyeom to make Jimin jealous and miserable for making her cry for the past couple of nights since they broke up. She wanted to make him crawl back to her and apologize for what he's done.

"Don't you think you're going a little too far?" I asked the night she told me her plan. She was sobbing on the couch while watching Pokemon, playing with the remote nervously.

"No. He deserves it. He cheated, Rei! What would you have done if Taehyung would've done the same to you?" She glared at me with sad eyes. I sighed in approval and sat down beside her and tried to keep her mind off of her terrible heartbreak.

It was Wednesday and we were supposed to begin the practical part of our courses, which meant all students were stuck in the same building with the chances of bumping into someone familiar pretty high. I have a feeling today will be awkward but school is school, after all. I won't let some stupid boy mess up my chances to have a successful career.

That was the fun part of University that I loved because I was a people's person and I loved helping others who were in need. It also helped that Baekhyun was there to guide us and explain the situations carefully.

As I was doing my makeup in the bathroom, I heard voices from the living room and I hurried to finish applying some lipstick before I went out of the room. As I stepped closer, the voices got clearer and I immediately recognized Jungkook arguing with Aotaki, as per usual, only this time she sounded angrier than before. I swear to God they are like children sometimes. I told myself almost every day.

"Yah! Maknae, bring me back my hoodie!" She shouted at the poor boy who sat in front of her, rolling his eyes.

"First of all, it's not yours, it's Jimin's and second I don't want to. He said I can borrow it today." He stuck his tongue out like a baby as she hissed at him.

"Fuck you, Jungkook!" She shouted as she passed by me, lowering her head and I knew she was going to cry as she went into the bathroom.

I made my way to Kookie and he just stood there frozen because Aotaki never cursed at him before. At least not with that tone, anyway.

"What's with her?" He asked, confused.

"She's just having a rough time with Jimin and all..." I explained as I sat down on the couch. We had 10 minutes left till it was time to go to the hospital. "Why are you here, though?" I furrowed my brows.

"I wanted to see how you two were doing." He shrugged and sat by my side.

"Taehyung sent you?" I chuckled at his awful acting skills. If he wanted to see how we were doing he could have just called or texted. He wouldn't have walked all the way to our apartment when he could've played or messed with his hyungs.

"Yeah...Sorry." He confirmed my thoughts and lowered his head with a sad smile. "You know I can't say no to him. He wants to see you but he's scared you are gonna break up with him for real, this time." Jungkook said as he placed his hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze.

"He's right. I'm glad he finally understood what personal space means." I said and Kookie chuckled. "And it's okay if he sends you to check up on me. I don't mind." I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Rei." He smiled and pecked my cheek. After a few minutes of him sending me side looks, he gathered the courage to ask the question he had on his mind. "Can I ask you something?"

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