I - 8

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"Excuse me?" I let out, almost choking. 

"You heard it right. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it." He said as he took a step closer to me, but I backed away. 

"No. I haven't. And what makes you think I'd want to be with you. You don't know how to treat a girl. All you do is have an attitude and you think you'll drop their panties to the floor." I turned around to head to the door but a hand stopped and spun me around, landing in his arms. "Let me go!" I squirmed, trying to let myself loose from his grip but he was a lot stronger than I was.

"You should watch your words around me, love. You wouldn't want to make me angry, would you?" He tilted his head to the side while licking his lips, his eyes piercing through mine with a gaze I never saw before. I widened my eyes and leaned my head back as I started shaking. I felt my legs weakening and the room became dark as I lost conscience. 


"Dad, can you please come and pick me up? I'm not feeling well." I said, through the cellphone. It was my cousin's party and he had his classmates over which I didn't stand because all they could think about was alcohol, sex and drugs and I wasn't planning on having any of that. Well, maybe some alcohol but I wouldn't drown myself in it. 

It was already midnight and I was feeling a little tipsy after I drank away my recent heartbreak. The jerk cheated on me with my best friend because I wasn't ready to sleep with him. I forgave her because he drugged her, but the feelings were still there after I spent the past year with him. I was woken to reality when the phone started ringing and vibrating, my dad notifying me that he arrived. 

I went outside to find him and my mother in the car, smiling sadly at me. They knew about my love life and tried their best to comfort me in any way. I love them so much for being so understanding with a poor teenager. I got in the backseat of the car and my dad drove off.

"How are you feeling, dear?" my mom asked after she saw my broken face. I looked up and smiled at her. 

"You know... I've been better..."

"Cheer up because tomorrow we're going shopping. Anything you want, you can have it." I smiled at her widely and thanked her for the effort. I knew we couldn't afford a shopping spree and I denied her invitation. "Don't worry about the money." She said, giving me a sad smile.

"No, mom, it's okay. Really. You don't need to buy me anything. I have you guys." I said as tears started to fill my eyes.

"Honey, don't cry. We love you so much and we don't want to see you suffer for that jerk." She said, frowning. 

Just as I was about to say something else, I saw a car heading our way fast and my dad tried to avoid the accident but it was too late. The car flipped over a few times before it crashed in a tree, smashing the front part to pieces. 

"Mom... Dad..." I tried to shout but my bleeding head stopped me and I passed out cold. 


I woke up in a hospital bed, soaked in my sweat, hyperventilating. "Mom.. Dad.." I whispered as I squeezed the blanket in my hands, tears overflowing my eyes. I was there? With them? Why couldn't I remember it before? All this time... If I hadn't gone to that stupid party... I was sobbing so hard and couldn't stop crying. I felt the air in the room so thin that I was about to pass out again, so I snatched the perfusion off my hands and ran to the window, opening it wide, breathing in the air and trying to calm down.

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