I - 28

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I heard faint voices as my mind slowly woke up to conscience. The pain that struck my head was unbearable but it wasn't something I could do about it. I tried to sit up but my hands were restricted by something heavy and by the sounds of it, I could tell they were chains.

"But can't we at least spare Taehyung?" I heard the voice of the female who put me in this place, wherever this might be. It looked like a basement of some sort.

"No. You promised to help me finish them all. Besides, he is the one responsible for this." Chanyeol's raspy voice beamed through the hallway, outside of my room.

I heard the door creak open as 4 people entered, my breath hitching from the powerful light they had in the next room that hit straight on my face.

"Rise and shine, little Rei." Aotaki sang annoyingly. She came by my side, crouching next to me. I turned my head to the other side, huffing. "I thought you wanted to see Taehyung again." I faced her quickly at the sound of his name and she chuckled. "Isn't it funny how love makes us do stupid things?" She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Take her." She motioned to the two bodyguards as she made her way to Chanyeol's side.

"Wait. What did you do to Jungkook?" I asked, scared that he might be somewhere around here.

Aotaki laughed before making her way back, standing in front of me. "Don't worry about him. Your precious little manwhore is just living the dreams he's been having." She smirked.

"What about Yoongi and the rest? Are they alright?" I questioned again, hoping she wouldn't find it annoying.

"Don't worry about them. They are safe. For now." She turned back to Chanyeol and they both started walking ahead.

"What do you mean!?" I shouted but she turned her back, ignoring me.

As the two carefully uncuffed me and placed my hands behind my back, tightening their grasp when I tried to fight back, Chanyeol and Aotaki walked ahead mumbling something I couldn't quite hear due to the echo that muffled the words.

They carried me through a couple of corridors before we stood in front of a big metallic door. Aotaki unlocked the door and opened it wide to make room for the three of us and we stepped into the dark room.

I heard the switch flick and a dim light turned on to reveal a bloodstained man who was cuffed to the wall, his head hanging low from the fatigue and probably blood loss.

As I narrowed my eyes to adjust to the low lightening, the man lifted up his head and my heart stopped at the sight. There Taehyung stood. Beaten up and barely breathing the thick air that filled the room.

"Taehyung?" I gasped, tears slowly blurring my vision.

I heard the chains clash and I could only assume he tried to break free.

"I'm sorry, Rei." His voice was low and powerless.

I tried to shove the men that held me tight but they were stronger than me. I looked at Aotaki who was smirking the whole time and the anger that rushed through my veins pushed me over the edge as I started shouting.

"You bitch! How can you do something like this?! I thought he was your friend." My tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Actually, I wasn't the one who did this." She looked at her nails. "I still care for him. Channy took care of him." She went to his side to kiss his cheek.

"You are sick!" I huffed. "What do you want from us?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I could just kill you and spare my best friend." She tapped her chin mockingly.

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