I - 15

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The day went by pretty fast, watching tv and trying to come up with a way of fooling Chanyeol into letting me stay with Taehyung and, as expected, nothing came up. We were laying lazily on the couch, scrolling through the channels. My mind kept on thinking: what would I do if I'd never see Taehyung again? Or what if Chanyeol wanted me for more than just my blood? I was lucky that my boyfriend understood me and was willing to wait but I didn't think they planned on listening to my demands. I had 1 hour and a half left until my decision had to be made. How would they approach me though? I was secured with 3 vampires and a simple human whom may seem small and inoffensive but they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. I sighed loudly and turned my head to look at Taehyung who was playing with his shirt.

"Tae~" I whined. "You said you'll help me out!" I hit his arm lightly. "Do something!"

"I know and I'm thinking, babe." He said, looking up at my face.

I frowned, pouting, thinking that I will die either way around. If I wouldn't end it with him, they would kill me and if I went with them, I would still die because of our stupid bond.

"We could leave this town." He broke the silence.

"It won't work. He already told me to not even think about it." I exhaled heavily. As I was about to doze off while watching some boring movie about a couple of teens going through their college experience, an idea popped into my head and I jumped up from the couch startled, standing in front of the tv as Taehyung looked at me confused. "I've got it!" I shouted excited.

"What?" He asked, clueless and confused.

"Can't tell you right now. Gotta talk to Aotaki first." I said, running to the door, leaving a confused Taehyung behind.

I hurried down the hallway and up the stairs to her room and knocked on it loudly. I heard a groan from the inside and frowned at her welcoming. The door opened and it showed a bored Aotaki whom just got off the bed and yawned in my face.

"I've got it!" I shouted in her face. She crumpled her face in confusion and stared at me.


"About Chanyeol. I know how to make him back off." I motioned and went past her to step through the doorway. She closed the door behind and followed me to her bed.

"Enlighten me." She yawned.

"We could get an apartment, together, on campus." I simply stated. She motioned me to continue and I jumped in the middle of the bed, grabbing her Haru plushie and placed it on my lap to play with it. "This way neither I or Taehyung will break any rule. We will be living alone and Chanyeol and his fellow vampires won't have a reason to hurt me in any way." I explained.

"I see your point. But why do I have to move out, too?" She raised an eyebrow. "And besides, where will you get all that money to make a living by yourself?" She added, clueless.

"I thought that if you were to live with me, my expenses will be cut in half. It will be fun just us girls. What do you say?" I tried to convince her with my sparkling puppy eyes.

"Can you cook?" She asked all of the sudden.

"Yes." I slowly answered, unsure about where it was going.

"Then okay. I'll move in with you." She stated. I looked around the room and something was not right. Someone was missing. It was 9 PM and it was just her, alone in her room. I shrugged and got off the bed, heading to the door.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I shouted as I ran towards her to hug her. She growled at me, telling me to back the fuck off because I was knocking the air out of her and I quickly pulled back, smiling awkwardly. "Where's Jimin?" I asked as I turned the knob.

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