I - 13

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A/N: So from now on we are getting into the action part of the storyline ^^.


"Oh My God! I don't have a dress! And the ball it's tomorrow." I shouted through the bedroom, raising my hands above my head in frustration. I did had a dress with a similar style but it was back home and Taehyung wouldn't let me go back unless he was by my side to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble. He was getting suffocating and I wasn't too fond of it.

A couple of days ago, I had to go to Uni and he wouldn't leave my side. He even wanted to go inside the bathroom with me to make sure the bad guys won't be hiding in the stalls.

I was currently planning an escape to go and get my dress from my own house. Alone. I was 2 feet away from the front door when someone pulled my hands behind my back, holding my wrists in a tight grip, pulling me back.

"And where do you think you're going?" He whispered in my ear. I let out a heavy breath and turned my head to look at him.

He was wearing a gray suit, matching red shirt and tie. Probably coming home from a business meeting for the club. It was nearly 10 in the morning and when I woke up earlier to an empty bed, I figured it must have been something important for him to leave my side.

"I have to go home and get my dress. Let me go." I struggled to let the grip loose but I didn't stand a chance.

"Don't worry about the dress." He said, pulling me back and loosening the grip to put his arms around my waist. "You can borrow one of Aotaki's. She has way too many."

"But I don't want to wear her dresses when I have my own." I whined. He turned me around and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes, you will. You are not leaving this house alone. Did I make myself clear?" He said in a serious voice. The times when his voice would get so deep and clear are the times when you should never disobey him. I lowered my head, eyeing the floor.

"Yes..." I mumbled. I hate this stupid bond. I hated his stupid power. And I hated the fact that I couldn't deny him when situations like that came around. Every time I would try and disagree with him, he would look me in the eyes with that hypnotising gaze and twist my mind to his will. He loved to control me as he pleased but I hated that.

"That's my girl." He pecked my lips gently. I frowned at his actions because all he usually does is boss me around. I had to prevent him from controlling me like Aotaki said. "Now, come on. I need you to do something for me." He said, dragging me to our bedroom.

"No." I said, pulling my hand away. He turned around with a raised eyebrow, surprised by my sudden behaviour. I looked at him, my stomach turning upside down because I never denied him anything. Aotaki's gonna pay so dearly if this is gonna take a bad turn.

"Excuse me?" He cleared his voice, surprised by my actions.

"I said no. I'm not a doll you can play around with any time you want to." I started. "And don't you dare use your dementation on me. I've had enough of it. I don't like it. This is not how relationships are supposed to work." I snapped, raising my hand to point at him. He just stood there with his mouth open, trying to process everything.

"Wow. The princess got some courage now. It's okay. Spit it out. What don't you like? The fact that I look after you and make sure you won't get hurt?" He said, stepping closer to me, "Or the fact that I am considerate and put the relationship at your hand?" He asked.

I looked away from him, my face going red from embarrasment because it was true. I couldn't help but feel trapped. "You're right. I'm sorry but you have to understand that you are suffocating me with all your attention." I raised my head slowly to look at him.

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