II - 8

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That night was a nightmare for Rei because she had no idea what Jungkook's reaction would be to spending some time alone with Taehyung after their constant fights, especially when the younger was sure that the relationship between Rei and him was more than real. But the night was harder for the boys upstairs since the maknae was constantly moving and whining in his sleep which Taehyung could only assume he was having a nightmare but he couldn't wake the younger to avoid causing more psychological damage, so he could only bare with it as he tried to gently rock Jungkook in his arms to calm him down.

It took Taehyung a couple of hours to get the boy to sleep peacefully again, holding him like a baby with his head tucked in the older's neck, a hand wrapped around the younger's waist as their legs intertwined under the covers. His breathing was regular, small puffs of air hitting Taehyung's skin and he felt his eyes sting as the thought of having his baby back in just a couple more hours was keeping him from joining the younger to sleep and he tried his best not to cry from happiness and frustration and relief all at the same time.

The alarm he set on his phone rang loud and clear as soon as the clock struck 10 AM. He was startled out of his sleep, hadn't even realized when he had slipped into the dream world, too lost in his train of thought about how they were going to proceed with the plan as well as worrying about Jungkook's safety through it all that before he knew it, he was already asleep.

As soon as he pressed the Stop button on his phone, he stretched his numb limbs, gently shaking the younger awake only to be greeted by soft whiny whimpers of "Five more minutes." as he turned to the other side, pushing his bum into Taehyung's side and the older couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips.

"C'mon, Kook. We have to see CL Noona. We can't be late, baby." Taehyung said in a gentle voice as he tried to tame down the stray locks of raven hair on the younger's head and Jungkook nuzzled further into the warmth of Taehyung's hand, mewling in satisfaction, making the older laugh out loud. "What's gotten into you? You were never this clingy." But then he remembered it wasn't really Jungkook.

It took another ten minutes to get Jungkook to wake up completely and take a shower to dress up for the big day. He chose a pair of black, ripped jeans and a black, plain t-shirt to go with his Timbarlands as he topped it off with his gray beanie. Taehyung had already gone downstairs to his and Rei's bedroom to find the girl already dressed up and ready to go; red long sleeved shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans hugged her body snuggly as she chose to wear her favorite pair of red sneakers. He gave her a good morning kiss and jumped into the shower as quick as possible and dressed in his favorite loose, gray sweats and a black hoodie as soon as he was done.

Meanwhile, the Queen was busy doing the preparations for the big event happening later that day with the help of the only person needed to execute the spell, Aotaki. The twin mirrors were placed on easel stands, connected together and facing the single bed in the middle of the room, restraining straps decorating the sides and bottom of the bed for safety reasons. The short sword resting on the velvety royal cushion on CL's desk, waiting to be put into action. The Queen was pacing through her office, walking alongside the windows, impatiently, waiting to see the members walk in through the front door as Aotaki rehearsed the process in her head, going over all the steps she had to go through.

Ever since she was transformed and kept her distance from the group, she only kept in touch with two people who she deemed helpful: Hoseok and Queen CL. She apologized repeatedly about her wrong doings and promised with her life to help the others fix her mistakes. She kept Hoseok by her side for guidance since she was still new to the whole vampirism thing and the boy helped her without a question since they were the closest in the group.

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