I - 6

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I tried to focus my mind on the movie that was playing on tv but I kept on stealing glances at Taehyung, feeling felt my heart pounding whenever he would unconsciously lick his lips once in a while. I couldn't take it anymore, so I leaned in closer to Aotaki to ask her where the bathroom was to cool down. After she gave me the instructions, I got off the couch, causing Taehyung to whine at the loss of comfort since I was his personal pillow. I opened the bathroom door and closed it behind me before I went over to the sink to wash my face.

"What is wrong with me? I can't fall for him. I won't." I told myself out loud. I stepped outside after I finished calming my nerves, only to be greeted by the man in cause. Was he waiting for me to get out? I tried to go past him but he caught my wrist and spun me around, slamming by back against the wall. I gasped at the sudden movement and took a deep breath, holding it in. He took my wrists and pinned them above my head as he lifted my leg with his other hand, placing it around his waist while caressing my thigh. He was inches away from my face and I saw him focus his gaze on my lips.

"You shouldn't be walking alone in this house, babe. What if something bad happens to you?" He whispered, staring into my eyes. I slowly let out the air I had kept into my lungs for far too long.

"What are you doing?" I asked, breathless. He tilted his head, smirking as he placed his lips on my neck. I tried to move my head to stop him but it was all in vain as he whispered against my skin "Don't fight it, love. I know you want it." His deep, raspy voice sent shivers down my spine and I closed my eyes shut, giving in the lust.

"Good girl." He said as he drew out his fangs and sunk them into my skin, piercing through my artery again. The feeling was overwhelming. I felt like I was melting away under his touch and my knees gave up on me as I lifted my other leg and placed it around his waist to prevent myself from falling onto the floor. I leaned my head against the wall, a small moan escaping my mouth and I put my hand over my lips to stop myself from doing it again but he seemed to disapprove of my decision as he moved my hand away. I started panting and I felt my whole body relax as he retrieved his fangs from my skin, kissing the wound and moving his kisses up to my jawline and lips, making me taste my own blood. "Sweet, isn't it?" He said, satisfied. I opened my eyes as I felt him placing me back down on my feet. 

"I h-have to g-go.." I stuttered and pointed towards the living room. He chucked at my flustered state and stopped me in my place. Why the hell did I stutter?! 

"Cute. You don't have to run away, you know? I don't bite. Well technically, I do, but what I mean is we can be friends... with benefits." He said, whispering the last part as he closed the gap between us, pecking my lips. I just stood there, looking at him as my feet wouldn't listen to me to walk away. I mean, what the hell? He's already drinking my blood. What's more intimate than that? Besides he's not bad looking and maybe this way I can get over my hormones. What the hell am I saying?! I need to get away from him. I mentally slapped myself for thinking about giving him a chance. I quickly turned on my heels to head to the living room and say goodbye to the others because I couldn't stay any longer under the same roof as him.

I stepped through the door and saw the others lying around on the floor with a tablet in the middle. I walked towards Aotaki and gave her a nudge to let her know I was leaving but she pulled me on the floor harshly when she heard about my plans. I whined in pain but she seemed to ignore me as she turned to look me dead in the eyes. "No, you're not. Kookie said he has a game for us to play and I don't trust him around games, with me, being the only girl in the group. You can't leave me now." She said, rather commanding me to sit down. 

"But, Unnie, you know tomorrow we have classes and we already skipped today." I said, trying to convince her but failing.

"You'll sleep here and we'll go to class together." She said and before I could open my mouth to say anything else she added, "You'll be sleeping with me, don't worry. And stop being a pussy." I frowned at her choice of words and sighed loudly.

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