II - 6

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The morning came along with the unexpected feeling of suffocation from the maddening hot weather that was welcoming them in the month of August. The clothes they were wearing were half soaked in sweat and the first thing they both did when they woke up was to go to the kitchen to drink a couple of glasses of cold water since they felt like they've been eating sandpaper all night.

Taehyung's apartment was noticeably small unlike the huge mansion he had in Seoul but it was understandable since he didn't live in Tokyo and it was just a vacation house. And Rei didn't mind it one bit because as small as it was, it made up in beauty because the place was decorated with so much style; floral and colorful decorations hanging off the walls and the furniture was so reserved, only sticking to the necessary pieces.

The bedroom was small, an average sized bed between two nightstands and a large painting of an abstract tree was decorating the white wall. The bathroom was connected to their bedroom and Rei was surprised to find out that it was split between two rooms; one that contained the shower and the other only containing the toilet and sink. The walk to the kitchen was short since they were separated by a two feet long corridor and the kitchen itself was big enough for three cabinets and the obvious fridge and stove as well as the small, round dining table with two chairs around it that were stuck to the corner of the room. The third door that was sticking from the small hallway, across from the bedroom led to the living room where the sofa and the tv were beside a bookshelf filled with mangas and anime DVDs.

"Are these yours?" Rei asked as she looked over the collection while Taehyung was busy munching on his second sandwich. He took it with him since he was too excited to show her the place and couldn't sit and wait to finish his meal.

"Yep. Although I haven't had the chance to read them all. But I thought it would look nice like that." He said before he took the last bite as he walked towards Rei and pull her in a back hug.

"Ooh, I've seen this one." She pointed at the "Free!" DVD collection, feeling proud that she knew at least one of them. Rei wasn't such a big fan of animes since in her country they weren't as popular. She only got introduced to them a few years prior to moving to Seoul when she was still a teenager. "And Sailor Moon too but I never got to finish it." She added, a little disappointed she couldn't have finished her favorite series.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"I didn't have as much free time as I wanted to. I was busy with school for the most part." Rei shrugged, moving to turn around and taking Taehyung's hands into hers as he nodded, understanding her situation as a smirk appeared on his face.

"I have a geeky girlfriend." He giggled as soon as the words left his mouth, watching as she raised her brows, her mouth falling open, offended by his words.

"I am not! I had to get good grades, so I could come here and meet your ass!" She tapped her index on his chest as he gave her a loving smile, biting his lip to stop himself from attacking her with kisses and cuddles because if that were to happen, their little but important business trip would be compromised and they wouldn't leave the bed all day and night.

"Well, then I'm glad you did." He leaned in to kiss her cheek gently and Rei couldn't help but melt under his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a slow kiss. "We can't do this right now, princess. We have to get going." He said with a pout and whiny voice, clearly upset he had to stop touching her.

"Right. Where is that map CL gave you?" Rei untangled herself from his body, fixing her shirt and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she cleared her throat.

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