II - 5

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It was 45 minute into their two hours and a half flight and Taehyung started squirming in his seat without any intention of stopping. He was thinking of a way to slip past the stewardess who was guarding the bathrooms since they couldn't go anywhere else to do their business. He looked around the plane, cocking his head in the little alley that was dividing the seat rows and there were three flight attendants; two at each end of the alley and one checking on the passengers if they needed anything.

"Could you be any more obvious?" Rei asked, laughing at her frustrated boyfriend.

"Shut up. I'm thinking of a way we can get past them." He explained, furrowing his brows deep in thought.

"Didn't you possess the power to hypnotize people or whatever?" She waved her hand around pointlessly as she watched Taehyung's face relax and he snapped his fingers.

"Right. I almost forgot about that. But I haven't used that in so long." He said, looking back at the girl still guarding the door. "Let's see if I still got it." He stood up from his seat and walked to the back of the airplane.

Rei scooted to her boyfriend's seat, closer to the alley to watch Taehyung do his thing on the poor girl. She was curious to know how it was done since he never did it with her by his side. And she was also curious to know if he ever did it on her, without her consent.

She watched as Taehyung got closer to the girl; he was talking to her -obviously- and the girl laughed amused at something he'd said. Of course, he was a funny guy. Who wouldn't laugh at something Taehyung said? They'd had to be deaf to not acknowledge his sense of humor. Then, Taehyung did something that had Rei gasping and a wave of annoyance washed over her as her boyfriend did a move he shouldn't have done. Her beloved lover leaned in to whisper something in her ear that made the girl giggle shyly before he kissed her on the lips. And from what it looked from her seat, it lasted pretty damn long and when he finally, finally, pulled away, the girl still giggled as she walked back and entered through a door that read "Staff Only". Taehyung turned around, ushering Rei to follow him as he entered the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath and trying to control her nerves until she at least got inside that room. How could he do something like that in front of her? He really had no shame. Rei reached the bathroom door, turning the knob to find Taehyung sitting on the closed toilet seat, his shirt buttons already popped open as he looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"What the fuck was that?" Rei said after she closed the door, locking it and leaning back against the hard metal.

"What was what?" Taehyung tried to play innocent, getting up from the seat and walking slowly the short distance to the door. "This?" He asked lowly, leaning in to kiss her but she turned her head around, his lips touching her cheek instead.

"You expect me to kiss you after you touched her?" Rei pushed at his shoulder to get some distance between them.

"Come on, babe. You can't be jealous of that, can you?" He pressed in, trapping her between his arms as he leaned in only to meet her cheek again and he kissed it softly as his hands slowly dropped down to her waist. His lips traveled down to her jawline where he pressed hot, wet kisses, making her gasp as his touches slowly made her breathless.

"Stop it... I'm mad at you right now..." She bit her lip to prevent the moan that was about to slip when his mouth found her neck and sucked harshly at the sensitive skin. His hands traveled down to her bum where he squeezed slowly but firmly, making her let out a pleasured yelp and he smirked at her.

"Are you really?" His tone was teasing as he pressed his body closer for her to feel how aroused he was and how she was the only one to make him feel him like that.

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