I - 22

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Everything was in place, now that we were back together and I could sleep peacefully without crying myself to sleep. The warmth that spread through my body was overwhelming and I had to take off the blanket Taehyung must have pulled over me in the few hours I've slept. He was sleeping next to me with his arms hooked around my waist and his face hid in the crook of my neck, his short puffs of air tickling my skin.

I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 2 AM, even though my body was tired, I couldn't sleep. Not that I had anywhere to go. It was my free day from school and I wouldn't want to leave Taehyung after we just made up, anyways. My eyes traveled back at the sleeping beauty beside me and I noticed that he changed his hair color in the time we were apart as I was running my fingers through it. The bright red locks suited him better than anything, complementing his golden skin glowing in the dim light of the lamp beside my bed.

The silence was disturbed once my phone started vibrating, startling me which made Taehyung tighten his hold on me. I extended my hand to the nightstand and grabbed the phone, unlocking it to read the text.

From Unknown:

Don't think I'll let you go without a fight, sweetheart.

I frowned at the phone, a quick shiver running through my body but I tried to ignore it, knowing that Taehyung was by my side and would protect me as he said. I turned my head to place a soft kiss on his cheek and as I was doing it, I heard the front door slam shut and footsteps that were going towards Aotaki's room, making Taehyung stir from his sleep and whine.

"Shh, it's just Aotaki. Go back to sleep, babe." I whispered, pecking his forehead.

"Okay." He nuzzled his head further into my neck. "Wait, why aren't you asleep?" He lifted his head to look at me, the light that was emanated from my nightstand, making his eyes sparkle.

"Can't sleep." I sighed, looking at the wall in front of our bed.

"Wanna me to ease your mind?" He asked as he pecked my neck to get my attention. I smiled upon thinking of how well he knew me and nodded. "Sit up." He commanded and I followed.

He moved behind me and pulled me between his legs, with my back against his chest as he leaned on the headboard. I relaxed my body, although the excitement kept the blood rushing through my veins, and rested my head on his shoulder.

He brought his wrist to his mouth and quickly pierced his skin until the droplets of blood rushed out of the wounds and placed it over my mouth. I parted my lips and slowly brushed my tongue over the strings of blood that threatened to stain my shirt and pushed his wrist further in my mouth to give me access to drink the overflowing substance that kept me high every time I'd taste it.

As I was locked in my own world, Taehyung brushed my hair to the side, revealing the side of my neck and slowly leaned in, pressing open mouthed kisses into my skin, leaving a tingly feeling every time his lips brushed against my neck. I faintly felt his fangs piercing my skin as his tongue roamed over the wounds, searching for the salty liquid that runs through our veins.

He moaned as the blood rushed from the little openings into my neck, sending a tingly sensation through my body, making me reciprocate the action. I haven't felt so high in such a long time and the taste of him was making me reach heaven.

It would have been perfect if the sounds from next room weren't so fucking loud, making me feel uncomfortable that I could hear her moans and whines. Taehyung pulled away swiftly from my neck as well along with his hand, making me pout.

"I know, babe, but it looks like Aotaki is taking her frustrations out on some lucky guy." He cooed as he kissed my neck, trying to sugarcoat the moment.

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