Guess who's back?

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Wow. Okay. I know, in the last author's note aku bilang chapter 30 will be posted in January tp ternyata malah tanggal segini:" but hear me out please.

I have a job now, well, aku mulai kerja sekitar pertengahan Desember tahun kemarin. Jadi mau ngga mau semuanya harus aku telantarin dulu becaaaause, this is my first job ever. And I swear having a job is tiring as fuck I want to slap any kids who wanted to grow up.

I'm working as a waitress in some cafe at Bintaro, Sektor 9. Dan sejauh ini aku keseringan dapet shift sore, jadi selalu susah dapet waktu luang untuk nulis. Dan apalagi awal-awalnya aku masih kaku banget, harus hafalin semua isi menu etc, etc. And trust me, being a waitress isn't as easy as it seems. Apalagi, aku ini bukan tipe orang yang pinter berinteraksi sama stranger, and I'm-clumsy-af. So far, I tripped two times while holding a milshake for customer in-front-of-my-boss. Oh and there was a time when I was about to give some waters to my bosses (there's four of them btw) to the office, dan saking clumsy (dan groginya), satu gelas tumpah di atas tray dan sebagian airnya tumpah ke lantai. Dan di sana ada tiga boss dan org marketing yang juga temen dr semua boss aku. I was so scared I just wanted to curl up in a hole and die at the time. :"


Untungnya, berkat my younger sister yang juga kerja di sana (she's way, way, more better than me btw), aku udah banyak belajar dari dia. Seenggaknya sekarang aku ngga seculun dan sekaku pas awal-awal masuk. (I guess?)

So, if you read this, sis, you know I love ya. Smooch.

Nooooow, aku udah kasih penjelasan lagi and I hope you guys will forgive me! Please please be mad no more pweaseeeeeee! Aku udah kasih chapter 30 untuk kalian my loves, and I know, the end sucks right *sigh*.

It's not a promise, but I'll try my best to post a new chapter once in a week. Okay. I think I'm done now. Once again, I LOVE YOU GUYS AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!

p.s: if u live in bintaro or bsd or pondok aren or sekitarnya, come to Shake Me Up Cafe! That's the place I work at. You can review us on Zomato and follow our Instagram: @shakemeupindonesia. Valentine nanti ada acara loh! Bring your date and you'll get 20% off for all items! I'm bringing Marco with me so, yeah, be jealous. Bye!


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