Chapter 4-Valentine's Day (just revised)

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She stood in front of her bathroom mirror getting ready for her shift at the restaurant and it was going to be busy being Valentine's Day.

She was a little depressed because she hadn't received anything from Dimitri but she decided not to dwell on it, figuring there was a very good explanation.

Choosing a red dress, for the ocassion, it was made of soft jersey like material, airy sleeves and the material at the bodice wrapped and came down just above her knees and she wore it with red pumps.

She did her hair, going a little heavy on the eyes making them smokey and red lip stain for affect.

Looking in the mirror, she actually thought she looked pretty, so grabbing her clutch, she picked up her keys and headed out the door.

It was going to be a really slamming night and she needed to make sure that there were plenty of red rose buds for the lapels.

The opening was for 7 so she got there at 6, making sure everyone was in their places, when she greeted her first employee.  "Hey Carina!" Josef the sous chef acknowledged her as she walked by.

She smiled at him and went to her office to lock up her purse and then it was time for their quick meeting, pep talk and then let the games begin.

"Alright everyone! Good evening. It's going to be very busy tonight. The restaurant looks great. You've all done very well with place settings and arrangements. Charlie are we good with the bar?" The man nodded.

"The good thing is it's a special menu tonight...steak, surf-n-turf and seafood and of course the sides and dessert. Okay people it's showtime!"

They were open for special hours tonight...7 to 10 so people were coming in like crazy. It was almost 9 and she had been told to  expect a very important group at anytime.

This is where she shines. She quickly checked the area and everything looked great, so she headed to her podium and waited for the crowd.

"Papa, mama!" Carina exclaimed. "You look amazing! Welcome to Romanov's. Let me show you to your table."

She was so excited to see her parents. "Carina it looks amazing dorogaya" said my father as she smiled brightly. "Thank you papa!"

She was so glad to see her parents out tonight.  They looked so cute together. 

She poured their wine and got them an appetizer before their dinner arrived.  Leaving them in capable hands she returned to her podium. 

About fifteen minutes later she saw a group approaching, about 6 people, all men. One man was huge but she didn't give it a second thought.

"Good evening gentlemen! Welcome to Romanov's. Come with me and I will get you seated."

"Carina..." She knew that voice, the one that sounded like melting hot fudge.

She looked up as a single tear slid down her cheek. "Dimitri?" Her Dimitri, he was here and he was gorgeous!

Oh my God and he was huge! He stepped closer as her eyes raked up his body, her fingers nervously toying with her necklace, as her eyes land on these amazing emerald green orbs staring deep into her.

"Da dorogaya (yes sweetheart)" he said. She blew out a deep breath and asked Clarissa to take over for her.

"Come with me" she said gently taking Dimitri's hand in hers; oh mama there was definitely a spark there. "We can talk in here" She said opening her office door.

Dimitri sat on the edge of her desk, watching her as she shut the door and locked it. She was so much more than what he'd expected; beautiful hair, sexy mouth, ass that wouldn't quit, and breasts that begged for his mouth.

He was having a hard time controlling himself around her. Her scent was driving him crazy.

She was not shy as she approached him and placed herself between his long legs and brought her gaze to his.

"So..." She started putting her hands on his shoulders, strong broad shoulders at that.

He brought his hand to her face pushing a piece of hair behind her ear causing her to shudder at his touch.

"Carina you are so beautiful" he said softly; as she caressed his face, his eyes slowly close at her touch. 

She pulled her other hand up to his face and pulled his lips to hers as she boldly sought out his tongue to dance with hers.

He didn't deny her access to his mouth and soon they were kissing with unfettered passion, putting their hands in each another's hair, their breathing labored.

Reluctantly they pulled apart, her lips still tingling from the experience.

She put her forehead against his, just needing to be in his proximity. She'd waited for him for ten years and here he was, in the flesh...gorgeous hot flesh.

Her belly was filled with liquid heat as their skin touches. "I'm guessing you are my package?" She asked grinning as she pulled away from him.

He returned the smile, and dear God she wanted to pass out from that too! "Too much?" he says smirking as she shakes her head no.

"Let me look at you" he says, his accent making my knees weak. His eyes immediately go to her necklace.

"It looks better on you than I imagined" he said as she reached for it.

"I haven't taken it off since, except to clean it" Carina said smiling softly.

She felt his long finger slide down to the opening of her dress and pull it to the side just enough to see the tattoo. His mouth twitched as she bit her lower lip.

"I like this dorogaya" he said his voice sensual and sexy. "Very sexy. Tell me about it."

"Well it was my 21st birthday and I got a crazy idea, an idea to make me feel closer to you and I decided I wanted a tattoo and I couldn't think of a better place to get it than over my heart". 

Dimitri slowly unbuttoned the three top buttons on his dress shirt, pulling it aside he revealed a tattoo on his pec...all it said was Carina. 

He felt the same way as she did.  All of her fears were instantly erased.  "So, where do we go from here?" Carina asked Dimitri. 

"I think I want some much needed and deserved time with my fiance" he said, his words full of promise.

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