Chapter 10-Wedding Speak (just revised)

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Carina's hand was shaking as she looked down at this rock on her finger and then back to Dimitri and she could tell he was waiting for some sort of reaction. 

All she could give him was to throw her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly.  She could feel his huge arms wrap around her in return and then applause erupted.

Still clinging to him shaking, people started to crowd around them.  She didn't want to let him go but she knew she must.

She drew in a haggard breath and tried desperately to blot under her eyes with a tissue.  She couldn't tell if she smeared her eye makeup or not and at this point, truthfully, she didn't give a rat's ass. 

She was engaged!  Excusing herself to the restroom, she needed to take an uninterrupted breath for a moment.

Her head was spinning and she needed control, only she didn't go to the restroom but instead went further down the hall to her office and unlocked the door and went inside. 

She walked slowly to the window and looked outside at the moon's light and the reflection on the water.

Brighton Beach had been her home for 27 years and she was getting ready to leave it. 

Carina was never one to turn adventure down, so she was excited but a bit scared as hell too. 

How does one become the wife of a mob boss exactly?  She was so deep in thought that she never heard Dimitri come in but felt his arms snake around her waist.  "What are you hiding from in here ahren (angel)?" he asked.

Carina leaned back against his chest and replied "I'm not hiding from anything, I'm just trying to wrap my head around everything that has happened in the last 24 hours. 

I went from wondering if you truly existed, thinking you were just a figment of my imagination, praying to God that you weren't because you already had my heart for a very long time, to last night when you walked through that door, in the flesh, and I still was afraid to believe it until you said my name and then I knew it was really you.  Do I sound completely certifiable?"

She said turning to face him.  He looked drop dead gorgeous as she put her hands on his chest staring into his eyes trying to read him. 

He leaned down capturing her lips with his, soft kissable ones that were hers, and deepening it, he opened his mouth to let her in, their tongues meeting, caressing, making her moan with pleasure.

"I'm going to take you on this desk if we don't stop now"he said against her lips. She sighed and said that she wouldn't mind, but they had a lot of people out there waiting for them to begin the party. 

"Besides" she said grinning wickedly and walking out the door "I will have you in the car on the way back to the hotel."

The rest of the evening was perfect as they conversed, ate and drank with trusted friends and family.  Things were starting to die down a little as people were beginning to leave; and it was nearing one in the morning.  She was surprised to see her mom and dad were still going.

Carina walked over and took her mom's hand and whispered "Can I talk to you for a moment?"  She stood up and they walked down the hallway. 

"What is it Carina" she asked stroking her daughter's hand. 

"I was just wondering how and when does a wedding take place?"

She smiled and answered "I have been planning for this day since you're 21st birthday. 

We already have your dress, the invitations were all done by hand and left blank and we have St. Peter's at our disposal. 

All you have to do is talk about this with Dimitri.  It's my understanding that he is wanting to do it soon so you two can return back to Russia."

Her words sunk in.  Wow that quick?  She guessed it made sense but she didn't even take the time to think about it until now. 

"I love you mama.  Thank you for tonight.  I will see if Dimitri and I can discuss this soon and I will let you know okay?" 

She kissed Carina on the cheek and said "Now let's get back in there before they start searching for us."

Clarissa was prepared to stay behind and take care of cleaning up and Lana and Ana volunteered to stay and help as well. 

Carina had great friends and she felt blessed to have them.  Hugging the girls, she headed to the door with Dimitri. 

Marco already had the car pulled to the front door and car door opened for them.  "Thanks Marco" She said sliding in. 

"Ma'am" he replied as Dimitri slid in next to his fiancé.

Carina threw her wrap and purse on the seat in front of them and kicked her shoes off, snuggling up to Dimitri and putting her head on his shoulder, her hand resting on his chest. 

She loved feeling his heartbeat on her hand as she felt him kiss her head and said chuckling "Comfortable?"  She laughed. 

"Absolutely" She said.

The car fell into silence again as Marco pulled the car onto the highway driving them back to the penthouse. 

Carina moved her head up to look at a sleeping Dimitri and studied him for a moment; long dark eyelashes fanning out on his face, her eyes traced the scar on his brow line and down his cheek (she made a mental note to ask him about it sometime), perfectly proportioned nose and those luscious lips. 

Carina felt that familiar pull in her belly and she didn't want to wait to take him. 

She found that lately she wasn't patient about her physical needs and her insatiable hunger for this man at her side.

She gently worked on one button of his dress shirt getting it undone and then moved to the next one and then decided one more for good measure until she was sure it was loose enough to maneuver her hand inside.

Caressing his skin above his pec felt amazing, smooth yet hard; moving her hand up his neck, running her thumb across his Adam's apple while her fingers went into his hair was turning her on and before she knew what was happening, she climbed onto his lap, straddling him and placing kisses on his neck, she whispered in his ear "Ask Marco to raise the privacy screen."

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