Chapter 39-Lick (just revised)

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They made it back to the table and Carina was surprised to not see Lana waiting on them.  Marco, on the other hand, gave them a look and raised an eyebrow.  Dimitri remained poker faced, but Carina shrugged and grinned and it looked like Marco might have tried to smile a little. 

She sat her bar stool in front of Dimitri's, their knees touching, still grinning about what they'd done.  Carina pulled her cigarettes from her pocket, lit one, took a drag and passed it to Dimitri.  He is so sexy, she thought, shaking her head.  

"What are you thinking about Car?" he asked looking amused.  Carina smirked while pouring two shots.  She was going to have him do a body shot.  Standing between his knees, she turned around and squatted down.  She picked up the shot, tilted her head back to where she could see him and placed the shot glass in her mouth.  He lowered his head and took it from his wife's mouth, and tilted his head back downing the drink. 

Carina took the other shot and downed that one.   Sitting back down, he leaned forward and said "Okay that was a new one.  Where'd you learn that?"  

His wife shrugged and said "Spontaneity...I just made it up!"  He licked his lips.  

"I liked it" he said.  "We'll have to try different variations of that at home behind closed doors."  Carina started to bite her lip, but thought better of it and Dimitri nodded as if to say she'd made the right choice.  

She stood once again, but only to move in closer, so she could wrap her arms around him.  She turned, putting her mouth next to his ear.  

"I don't have any words to express how I feel about you right now" she whispered.  

Dimitri drew her closer and said "Sometimes it's not your words I need.  I've never known anything clearer than how much you love me; you show me everyday with the simplest things you do for me."  Carina knew he wasn't a big fan of PDA (public displays of affection), but she hoped he would forgive her this once as she laid her mouth on his.

Lana finally made her way back to the table and she just smirked at her friend,  knowing exactly what they had done.  She said she was exhausted and ready to go as were couple.  

Carina gave Lana a big hug and kiss and told her how much fun it was,  and to keep in touch and tell Ana she said hello and give her a hug as well.  

Dimitri softly grabbed his wife's hand, as Marco held the door open for them and they made our way downstairs and to the car.  Carina wasn't done with Dimitri this evening by any means, she just had to make sure they were still going to be alone in the house before she carried out her plan.  

"Baby I had so much fun tonight.  Thank you" Carina said leaning on his shoulder.  

"I know I did" he said quietly. Carina was going to put him on the spot. 

"What did you enjoy the most?" she asked. 

"I'm not sure which I enjoyed the most, you teasing me from the dance floor, what happened afterwards or the body shot.  Carina, during the week I'm the boss, I don't have fun, but you have made me see that it's okay to have fun with you. That I can be who you want me to be...I want to see the world through your eyes, be spontaneous and passionate." 

She was floored. He continued. "The man that took you in the shower this afternoon was 'the boss' and sometimes he comes out when I don't intend him to but I don't want you to ever be afraid of him." 

"Mikhail, look at me" she asked. He slowly turned to face her. "I wasn't afraid of him; I was turned on by him. I don't mind him coming home once in awhile. There is nothing you can do that would make me feel afraid of you...ever." 

Dimitri leaned over and kissed his wife wetly on the mouth; that was his way of saying he understood what she was saying and accepted it.  Now she needed to lighten the mood.

"Will we still be alone at home this evening?" He nodded, not quite sure why she was asking. "Good" is all she said.

Marco was her partner in crime this evening.  He'd set everything up in the basement and said he would distract Dimitri while Carina readied everything else.  She couldn't wait.  She had hidden everything she needed down there earlier, when Dimitri took his shower after working out.  

They pulled into the drive and finally made it up to the house.  Marco got the door for them and nodded when Dimitri had his back turned. Thank you Carina mouthed.  She received another nod.  Marco assured her that the CC TV had been turned off in the control room, so only Di could see it on his phone and be recorded there. 

"Boss, I need you a second before you retire for the rest of the evening" Marco said. Dimitri looked at his wife. 

"Go ahead baby I'll wait for you upstairs."  He smiled and followed Marco.  When she heard Marco's office door close, she ran downstairs and did flight of the bumblebee, even got her make up retouched. 

The chair was in the right spot.  She had her phone sitting in the chair with a sticky note that said play me.   Carina was wearing a very sexy black lace push up bra and the bottoms were a black lace thong, because she knew how Dimitri felt about her ass. 

 She did a couple of shots of vodka to help loosen her up and texted then Marco.  She sent Dimitri a text. 

Di, you have a hold over me that I have never felt before, a pull that I don't want to resist.  You make me want to please you, in every way.  Come to the basement for round two! xxoo C...send.

The whole basement was pitch black, except tiny stringed lights on the stairs and a candle on the table by his chair.  Once he gets down here, she instructed him, via a note, to hit play on her phone and flip the switch on the power strip attached to the support beam next to his chair. 

Carina hoped it went like she planned.

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