Chapter 88-The Rescue

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Dimitri ran to Carina and with Mattias' help they got her unchained and laid her gently on the floor.  She was a bloodied mess.  She moaned and slowly opened her eyes blinking them several times.  She somehow managed a small smile.  "What took you so long" she whispered.  "Damn it Carina" Dimitri said as silent tears slid down his face.  "Just keep still.  Dr. Malikov is on his way and we are going to get you back to the compound" his face was a mask of worry.  "How did you manage to think clear enough to send me that message?" he asked trying to keep her awake and talking.  She moved her legs slightly and swallowed hard, like her throat hurt.  "I saw the number painted on the door and it was all I could think of" she said barely audible.  "Carina open your eyes baby.  Stay with me a little longer then you can rest" Dimitri urged.  "Liam found the Locate Your Phone icon on your laptop and that as well as your message led us to you.  They used your phone to Skype me which kept your signal strong, the dumb asses.  God you have the most beautiful brain; so smart.  You amaze me at every turn" Dimitri told his wife.

Dr. Malikov walked in with a woman in scrubs and two other assistants and a gurney.  One of the perks of having your own compound and more money than God was your own medical facility; being in his line of work Dimitri couldn't be sending his men to a regular hospital every time something happened.  The doctor knelt down beside Carina and began assessing her injuries; he turned to his nurse and told them to radio back to the compound hospital to get the OR ready and then turned his attentions back to Carina.  "My child" he began gently.  "We are going to have to stop meeting like this or people will start to talk."  His words made her smile.  "Sorry doc, you keep having to put me back together don't you?" she said fading out again.  "Carina" he said shining a light into one of her eyes, bringing her back.  "I need you to tell me where you are and what day it is."  "I know it's Wednesday and I think I'm in a warehouse or a dock house...I'm not sure."  She did well answering the questions.  They got her on the gurney after Malikov started an IV and instructed Dimitri to follow them in the car.  He was not happy about that but obeyed what the doctor said.

Marco, Dimitri, Mattias and Liam didn't say a word as they sped along behind the ambulance.  Dimitri looked down at his bloody hands; it was not his blood or Carina's.  He took his time with Yurmov, cutting him like he'd cut his wife but deeper and longer cuts until finally cutting his throat.  Alexandria Korpov met her end quickly as Dimitri just snapped her neck and let her fall to the ground like the trash she was and then he spit on her.  He couldn't believe that he'd ever stuck his dick in her.  He sighed and laid his head against the back of the seat as Marco observed through the review.  The car turned sharply into the long drive of the compound and Marco let the men out of the car at the hospital, said he was going to park the car and he would be right back.

Dr. Malikov was already working on Carina when they walked in and were met by the nurse who'd accompanied the doctor to the warehouse.  "Dimitri" she said kindly.  "The doctor is working on her right now.  The good news is there appear to be no internal injuries.  Her ribs are bruised, not broken but she suffered a hairline fracture to her cheek bone where she was struck by the gun.  The bulk of her injuries are the cuts she sustained.  Her wrists are pretty bruised up as well due to the height  at which she was hung.  What the doctor is really concerned about are the two injuries to her face; her cheekbone and her chin.  He's going to basically have to do the work of a plastic surgeon with those two injuries.  I will come to with any other updates, okay?"  Dimitri nodded as he took in everything she had told him.  Before he went to wait with the others he had some phone calls to make first.  He pulled up his recent calls and tapped the button.  A disembodied voice answered.  "Adriano?  It's Dimitri.  I need you, Alessio, Lana and Ana here as soon as possible."  The voice answered back.  "Yes it's about Carina" he said.  The voice spoke again.  "Her injuries are not life threatening but it's serious.  I will fill you in.  Just get here and tell Lana not a word to Carina's parents.  I will tell them myself."  They finished their call and hung up.  Dimitri went over and threw himself into a chair and leaned his head back and sighed.

Marco walked in and went straight for Dimitri.  "Here" he said handing Dimitri a towel and a fresh shirt.  "You don't want her seeing you with blood all over you" Dimitri knew he was right, accepted the items gratefully and stepped into the little bathroom off to the side of the waiting area.  He stared at himself in the mirror; he had blood splatter on his face and all over his shirt.  He peeled his shirt off and threw it in the trash can, wet the towel and started to clean himself up.  His eyes fell on his tattoo...Carina...and he leaned with both hands on the sink and let his head rest against the mirror.  She's been through so much since she's been married to me this thought running rampant through his mind.  He was done with the arms dealings.  He would hand that over to Adriano Costas.  He had his legitimate clubs that brought him more than enough money plus he was invested properly in other ventures all over the world.  He had to distance himself from that part of the life, to keep her safe.  He sighed as he finished cleaning himself up and pulled the clean shirt over his body and exited the bathroom and rejoined the others.  Now they wait.

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