Chapter 12-Massage Therapy (just revised)

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Carina put up her hair, walked toward the shower and stepped in to see Dimitri just standing there with his head raised letting the water run down his magnificent body. "Washing the cares of this life down the drain?" She asked softly.

He slowly brought his head back down and sighed, opening his eyes he stepped forward and held his arms out to her. "Are you alright dorogayo?" She asked concerned.

She was sure he was still suffering from jet lag and the fact that for the last 24 hours she had acted like a nympho didn't help with his fatigue.

"You worry about me too much Car" he said. Carina stepped back from him still holding his arms in her hands and looked up at him.

"Isn't that my job now?" She asked. "I know there are things about you and your business that are need-to-know and I'm okay with that, truly, but it doesn't mean that I have to let you carry the weight by yourself. Lean on me, Mikhail. This is what I was born for. To be your better half" she said smiling, hoping to bring him out of whatever he was in.

He shook his head laughing at her now. She stood there just trying to figure out what she said that was so damn funny.

"You've only called me Mikhail twice and both times I was in trouble."

She smirked and pulled his head down to her level and kissed him on his mouth.

She released him, practically forcing him to get out, get dressed and get in bed; she had to finish showering and said she would join him in a bit.

She shaved, washed her hair and got it conditioned and then washed her body, then it was time to get the conditioner out of her hair and when that was done, she turned off the water, toweled off and got out.

She had grabbed one of Dimitri's shirts, because it was old and the material was very soft but most of all it smelled of him.

She pulled on her panties and threw on the shirt which came down mid thigh.

Carina knew he'd enjoy the view and went to work on blow drying her hair.

After about 15 or 20 minutes, her hair was dry, soft and shiny.

Turning out the light, she went and joined Di in bed, but instead of laying down he was sitting up working on his phone.

Carina let out a sigh of frustration as he turned to look at her and shrugged.

"Alright mister" she said trying to sound firm "Put the phone down now."

She was trying very hard to look tough with her legs spread apart and hands on her hips but from the look he was giving her, she failed miserably.

She thought all she succeeded in doing was drawing unwanted attention to herself as he looked her over, licking his lips, but raised his hands up in a gesture of surrender as she crawled in bed and got behind him making him move down a little further.

She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off throwing it beside her on the bed.

"What are you up to?" he questioned.

"Just relax baby. You will enjoy it. I promise." She said, kissing his bare shoulder.

She started at the base of his neck, massaging the stress away, moving her fingers through his hair and scraping her nails against his scalp.

She then squirted some chamomile oil in her hand,  rubbing them together released an intoxicating scent as she placed her hands gently on his shoulders and started to massage them, causing him to groan, letting his head fall forward.

"Holy shit that feels so good" he mumbled.

She moved from his shoulders to the middle of his back using her thumbs, making circular motions and moving down to his lower back and then moving back up to his shoulders.

When she had finished about 20 minutes later, she put her arms around him and pulled him to her making him rest his head against her shoulder.

Carina placed a kiss on his shoulder and whispered in his ear "So, how do you feel now?"

All she got was a moan and a few mumbles but she knew he enjoyed it.

When she was sure he was asleep, she gently removed herself from behind him and laid his head on the pillow.

He never moved once, that's how tired he was. Carina laid down next to him and watched him sleep.

She didn't think it would ever get old as she gave him a soft kiss on his shoulder and allowed her eyes to close.

When she woke the next morning Dimitri was gone but there was a note and a single red rose on his pillow.

She grabbed the rose and smelled it, the fragrance was intoxicating; then she picked up the note, rolled on her back and eagerly began to read it.

Ahren, I don't know what you have done to me but I haven't slept like that in a long time. I could have laid there and watched you sleep but unfortunately business takes me from you today. I will be back for dinner and I thought we could eat in the hotel restaurant. By the way my ring looks beautiful on your finger! I will call you if I can get away. Marco will be at your disposal. I love you...D.

She would be lying if she said there wasn't some disappointment but she understood completely why he wasn't there.

Carina picked up the phone and a disembodied voice answered. "Good morning" she said "I'm in the penthouse on 30. Is there a dress shop in the hotel?"

The voice informed her its on the 12th floor. Saying thank you, she hung up, but stayed in bed for a while longer, just looking at her ring and thinking about Dimitri.

Picking up her phone and looking in the contacts, she found Marco's number and pressed Dial, he answered right away.

"Good morning Ms. Carina" he said.

"Good morning Marco!" She said.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"I need a favor" she says and goes on to explain what she's looking for and lucky for her, he is a wealth of information.

Telling him thank you, she informed him that she would like to go shopping at the hotel later.

He said to let him know when she was ready and he would come for her. 
Getting dressed, she hoped that shopping for Dimitri would be as much fun as she thought it would be!

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