Chapter 56-The Mutt

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Both of them needed that release as they went back out to join Adriano and Lana. The men, ever observant of any movement in the club were working, the women were partying and enjoying themselves. They told the guys they were going to go dance some more and left the VIP area. Dimitri took this opportunity to grill Adriano about Carina. "So" he began. "Tell me about Carina." Adriano looked confused. "What do you want me to tell?" he asked. Dimitri shrugged. "I don't know really. Anything I missed out on. Ever since I came and got her I can't help but feel like I made a mistake by waiting so long. I just want your take." Adriano basically started about age 17. "You know that necklace you sent her for her 17th birthday? You would have thought the Pope gave that to her. She would be embarrassed if she knew I was telling you this. I think she was high as a kite for a month after that. Graduation Day was amazing. Boris and Nadia couldn't have been more proud of her." Dimitri nodded and added "Did you know she has a huge box, with my name on it, that she has kept everything I ever gave her?" Adriano laughed. "Yes everyone in the family knows about 'the box'. She has the card you sent her for graduation, cards from flowers, you name it, she kept it." Dimitri looked at him thoughtfully. "So where do you and Allesio come into the picture?" Adriano turned serious. "She was always like a little sister. Pop got together with Boris and there was a standing agreement that we would watch out for her. She never had any boyfriends, other than the gay guy and we checked him out anyway. He was harmless. She went out sometimes with Lana and Ana and we were always there, she never knew but we were there. Man, I've never met anyone like Carina. Her heart was always for you. She didn't see anyone but you."

Marco was keeping an eye on the girls while Dimitri and Adriano talked. He wasn't thrilled about the son of a bitch that kept getting closer to Carina, she would move away and he would move closer to her. Her and Lana got tired of it and started to leave the dance floor when the man grabbed Carina's arm. He pulled her close and seemed like he was whispering something to her; whatever it was it scared the hell out of her. Her expression said it all. "Dimitri we got a problem" Marco said. Dimitri jumped up to see the man grabbing his wife's arm. Adriano was already heading to the opposite end of the VIP area and headed down those steps; Marco had already radioed Mattias and Liam. They would head the bastard off before he could leave the parking lot. Dimitri was already on the floor with his arm wrapped around a shocked Carina. "Is she okay?" Marco asked concerned as he held the door open for them. The man had gripped her hard; her arm was already bruising with perfect finger marks. "Carina, baby. Look at me" Dimitri said gently. She slowly lifted her head up. "What did he say to you Car?" Carina shook her head as if trying to understand why the man said what he did. "He, he said 'He's coming for you Carina'. Who, Dimitri? Who's coming for me?" She was freaked out. Dimitri told Marco they were heading to the hotel now and to bring the car around; he also wanted an update on the bastard that had bruised up his wife.

Lana stayed with Carina in her and Dimitri's room while a man was posted outside the door. The man hadn't done a very good job of getting away because Mattias caught him as soon as he exited the club. They took him to the basement of one of Dimitri's vacant office buildings. When Dimitri, Marco and Adriano got there the man had already been worked over pretty hard. Adriano walked over to the man and pulled his head up by his hair and then grabbed his cell phone. "Son of a bitch" he muttered. "Dimitri, take a look at this!" He showed the surveillance photos from earlier; it was the mutt. "Goddamn it!" Dimitri shouted. "How the fuck did he know where to find her?" He motioned at Mattias "Wake his ass up!" Mat put something under his nose and his head jerked. He opened his one good eye. "What the fuck do you have to do with this asshole?" Dimitri asked the man, holding up a picture of Carina's sperm donor father; his voice low and menacing. The man just stared at Dimitri like he had a death wish. "He asked me to do a job, I did it. I found his little whore daughter." That sent Dimitri over the edge. His fist came out of nowhere and not only knocked the man out but knocked out some teeth. "Marco, wake this piece of shit up!" This continued for about an hour until the man finally gave up fighting and told them everything. When they felt like he'd given them all they needed, Dimitri pulled a knife, stepped behind him, leaned his head back and ran the blade across his throat; blood and life ran out of him all over the floor. Marco tended to Dimitri's hands. They were a mess. "Dimitri, we will clean this mess up. Let me take you and Adriano back to the hotel. I'm sure Carina needs you right now." He agreed.

The ride back to the hotel was quite to say the least. When the men got to the door Liam told them that all was quiet and the women were still safely behind closed doors. Dimitri and Adriano walked into a very quiet room; Lana was on the bed. "Where is she?" Dimitri asked. Lana pointed to the balcony. Carina was in a chair, feet up on the chair, bottle of vodka and a cigarette. His blood started to boil again when he saw her arm. "Lana thank you. Go be with Adriano. We'll talk in the morning, okay?" She nodded weakly and took Adriano's outstretched hand. Dimitri sighed as he removed his shoes and socks, pulled out his shirt and unbuttoned it. He walked to the outside balcony door. "Hey" he said softly. "Hey" she replied barely audible. He started to walk back into the room. "Please don't leave me Mikhail" her voice pleaded. He pulled out the chair to sit down next to her; she'd been crying. His heart was tightening. "Take me to bed" she demanded.

They tore each other's clothes off and Dimitri lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist as he got on the bed. She looked lost and frightened. (In Russian) "Carina, trust me. I will keep you safe. Shut off your mind to all of this right now and just let me love you, angel." He kissed her tenderly as she started to cry softly. "Da, Dimitri, da." He rolled them over so Carina was on top, her beautiful hair hanging around them, enveloping him in her scent. She kissed him with so much need and passion it left them breathless; she crawled off of him and positioned herself onto her knees and begged him to take her. She felt his warm body come in behind her as he slipped deep into her wetness; they made love for hours until she was so exhausted she fell asleep.

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