Chapter 91-Sweet Dreams, No They're Not

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You bitch!  I can carve all day long!   His voice mocked me; over and over.  And then I could feel the cut marks, each mark on my body burned like fire.  Hey bitch!  Remember me?  Her hateful face came into view again.  "Stop!" she yelled sitting up, sweat covering her body.  She felt around the bed.  It was empty.  Good thing or Dimitri would make a big deal about it.  I gingerly slipped from bed, my stomach felt awesome...not.  I hurt everywhere.  I didn't want another pain pill.  I was tired of being out of it.  I would wait as long as I could until I just absolutely had to take one.  I made my way to the balcony, sat down and lit up a cigarette to calm my nerves.  The front of my gray tee shirt was just covered in sweat and there was a thin film of it covering my brow and face; my heart was still beating out of my chest and my hand was shaking like a leaf.  I heard the bedroom door open and knew it was Dimitri.  He came to the door way, arms folded across his chest and he was about to ask what I was doing out of bed when he noticed my appearance and shaking hands.  "What happened?" he asked immediate concern in his voice.  I looked up at him and said "Nightmare I guess."  He pulled out a chair and sat next to me.  "I'm sorry.  I left for just a minute to grab you some water.  I wasn't gone that long."  Great.  Now he felt bad.  I put a shaking hand on his thigh.  "Dimitri I'm fine.  Dr. Malikov said to expect it.  I'll deal with it.  I just don't want my husband thinking I'm wheels the fuck off if I scream during the night" she said trying to lighten the mood.  "Anyway, talk to me.  About anything.  Please" she begged.

"I want to have a baby with you" he said.  Well that was quick and to the point.  "Well don't hold back.  Tell me how your really feel" she said.  His expression didn't waiver.  "I just signed over my arms dealings to the Costas family.  I'm out of it.  From here on out it will be only my clubs and legitimate businesses and investments.  I'm not taking any more chances with you or our future children.  It was different when I was single; I have you to think about now.  I have plenty of money so that won't be an issue.  I'm dead serious about this Carina" he said with conviction.  "You talked to Alessio didn't you?" she asked.  He nodded and added "Plus I heard you and the girls talking; I heard what Ana said and all of a sudden it clicked and made perfect sense."  He was serious about this.  "Wow" she said.  He was waiting for an answer.  "Nothing would make me happier than to make beautiful babies with you" she said smiling.  He let out the breath he'd been holding, got up and kissed her on the head.

Dimitri helped me put on a lose fitting strapless dress and he even brushed my hair and put it back into a ponytail and we walked downstairs to join Adriano, Lana, Alessio, Ana, Marco, Mattias and Liam for dinner.  Viktoria looked up from what she was doing and walked over and put her motherly arms around me.  (Conversation in Russian) "Carina my child.  I thanked God for bringing you back to us safe."  I wiped tears away as she spoke and all I could say was "Spasibo" and hug her back.  Dimitri pulled out my chair for me and I sat down gently, looking around the table so grateful to see all my friends here.  Viktoria had made the same meal that she had made for Dimitri on his birthday.  Each group was having their own little conversations and we had a wonderful dinner.

The men made their way into Marco's office for vodka and cigars while the girls went out onto the porch.  "It's very peaceful here isn't it?" said Ana.  I nodded and added "And the perfect place to raise babies" she said looking at her friends.  They looked at her, eyes wide with shock.  "Dimitri and I talked earlier.  He wants to have a baby with me.  As soon as I'm healed up we are going to start fucking like rabbits" I said laughing and grimacing.  "I'm so happy for you Rina" said Ana.  "You're going to make a great mom" said Lana.  I was so happy I couldn't stand it.

"Alessio thank you for your advice.  Carina and I talked earlier.  I told her that I wanted to have a baby with her."  Dimitri waited for their reactions.  "Well?  What did she say?" asked Alessio.  "She said that nothing would make her happier than to have a baby with me.  So when she is better I guess we start trying" Dimitri said grinning.  Adriano just shook his head and Marco, Mattias and Liam slapped him on his back and said 'congratulations'.  He couldn't be more happy with life than he was right now.  He could already imagine a little girl, especially if she looked like her mother.  He wouldn't mind a little boy, a little 'Dimitri' running around.  He actually couldn't wait for her to get better so they could start working on making babies.  He would really enjoy that!

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