Chapter 34-I Need You (just revised)

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Carina laid there, for what felt like hours, just watching him sleep.  He hadn't moved once, he was still on his stomach; she watched the gentle rise and fall of his back and was relieved that he was resting soundly.  Her body ached for him.  He'd been so busy they hadn't made love in five days, not that she was keeping track or anything like that.  

The sheet was down to his lower back and it gave her the opportunity to study the definition of his broad shoulders, that always seemed to try and carry the weight of the world.  Her eyes drifted down to his narrow waist and how proportionately perfect he was.  Carina watched as her hand reached for his back and trailed her finger down his warm skin; she almost felt guilty for what she was about to do, but she couldn't help herself any longer...she needed him.  

Pulling her sleepwear off, she threw it on the floor, then gently climbed on his back, her sex against his ass, and started placing kisses along his shoulders, moving further down his back, she licked his skin, loving the taste of him.  She could feel her desire for him pooling at her entrance when he stirred.  

"What's the matter baby?" he mumbled against his pillow.  Carina leaned down, letting her hair fall onto his back, and whispered in his ear.  

"I really didn't mean to wake you, I know you're exhausted" she began. 

He finished with "But?" and she went for it.  

"Baby I haven't had your dick inside me for five days and I'm about to lose my mind." She said with all honesty.  

Dimitri growled as he rolled over.  "I have neglected you this week haven't I?" he said, gently placing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.  She nodded as he continued.  "But you haven't whined or complained about it at all.  I'm sorry Car.  I really didn't intend to work late every night,  but it was just one thing after another."  

She told him that she understood and tried her best to understand,  but that his schedule was still new to her and she was still trying to get acclimated to their new life.  "I was afraid I was going to have to take matters into my own hands" she said trying to get a reaction from him.  His reaction was he lifted his hips and started grinding them into her sex.  "Oh God" she moaned. "Don't do that unless you want me to come all over you."  Carina was breathless for him already.  

"You're that close already?" he asked thickly.  She nodded and then he said "Touch yourself" as he sat up against the headboard his hard on fully displayed.  Fuck me, if he kept that up she would come right then.  She watched as he griped himself, teasing her by moving slowly up and down his length and she didn't have any choice but to.

Lying down on her back,  her legs spread, she gave him a great view, to which he muttered "Holy God!"  Carina gave him what he wanted to see and what she so desperately needed.  She only lasted a matter of seconds as her orgasm hit her full force as Dimitri moved and slammed into her.  He pulled her ankles to his shoulders, allowing him to go deeper, as she exploded around him again, crying out her mantra of his name over and over again.  

Gently lowering her legs, he closed the gap between them, going from fucking her to making love to her.   Carina wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her, cocooning her with his large arms; feeling his mouth searing her skin with the heat from his body was mind numbing and felt so good.  

"Oh Dimitri I love you so much" she cried, feeling her body reacting to his again, her orgasm building, wanting to take her higher so she could fall farther.  

"You're my life Carina, I don't want anyone but you.  I love you with all my heart" his confession sent her over the edge and she took him with her.  Neither one cried out or made any noise, they just tightened their hold on each other until the ride was over.

Dimitri reached for the bench at the foot of the bed and grabbed a blanket that was lying there and covered them up with it.   They laid there, wrapped up in each other's arms and fell asleep right away.  They slept well into the late morning and Carina almost panicked when she saw what time it was,  but Dimitri assured her that it was nothing to worry about because he was taking today off.  

"Is it okay for you to do that?" she asked.  

He laughed and said "Car I'm the boss, I can do what I want."  Carina grinned sheepishly at him, realizing what he said was true.  

"Are you staying home because of me?" She asked feeling a tad bit guilty.  

He nodded and added "And for me too.  I don't ever want you to feel neglected Carina.  That's the last thing I want you to feel.  You just have to speak up and let me know.  Sometimes I'm just so focused I lose track."  

Carina kissed him softly, passionately and said "I love you."  They continued to talk some more, just small talk, when he brokered a question.  

"Would you want to go to Fusion tonight?"  Carina already knew Lana was going to be there and she had begged her to come back out.  Smiling, his wife said yes.  

"Carina, I took care of the problem.  She will never show her face there again.  Ever."  

She knew he spoke the truth, but she smiled and said to him "Who?"

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