Chapter 65-The Wreck

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"Carina baby? Can you hear me?" The words had meaning but they sounded like they were coming from a cave. I tried to concentrate on them, but the pain I felt overshadowed anything else. I felt like I was being moved and I can still hear talking. "She was still strapped in. That probably saved her life." I think that was Marco. Then another voice. "The driver and passenger are dead. Gun shots to the head. Brave, stupid girl." That sounded like Mattias but wait I saw him get shot. "I've got her gun!" That sounded like Liam. "Two rounds are missing." I was gently laid on the hard pavement, my eyes starting to see some light. "Damn, my arm hurts" I mumbled. "Carina, it's Dr. Malikov. Can you hear me?" he asked shining a light in my eyes. I raised my left hand to try and move the light. "Don't move. You were in an accident. I'm pretty sure your right wrist is broken, you have a cut on your head, a black eye, some bruised ribs, cuts and bruises plus a nasty bump on the back of your head." Geez Dr. Malikov was just full of good news. "Yeah the asshole in the passenger seat hit me in the head" I managed to get out. "Mattias" I said trying to get up. "I saw him get shot" I started crying. "Carina, Mattias is just fine. He's here, see?" I managed to see him through my one good eye and mumbled "Oh thank God! The employees at Fusion? Are they okay?" I was told to quit worrying about everyone else, that they were fine and focus on myself. "Doc, I'm really tired" I barely got out. "Carina I need you to stay with me. I know you are tired but you received a nasty knock to the head and I need you to stay awake. Just for a little longer and then you can sleep, okay?" I hung on as long as I could and then I just couldn't anymore and darkness took me away once more.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking them several times until they adjusted to my surroundings. I was in our bedroom. I was home. I looked to my right, my wrist was in a cast and resting on a pillow; at least my head stopped throbbing. I looked to my left but I couldn't see anything so I moved my head a little more until I could see with my right eye, Dimitri sitting in a chair, his head resting on the bed. I brought my hand up to his head and ran my fingers through his hair causing him to stir. "Carina? Oh thank God!" he said frantically grabbing my hand and kissing it several times. He got up and ran out of the room. I could hear him yell for Dr. Malikov and then he came back to the bed. "You scared the shit out of me dorogoya. I thought I'd lost you" he said, his voice hitching. "I'm so sorry Di. I really am. You didn't want me to go to work and I pushed it" I said starting to cry. "Baby please don't cry. I don't want to talk about it right now. You're awake and you're safe. That's all I care about right now. Okay?" He was stroking my hair gently and kissing my hand.

The doctor walked in. "Ah Carina. It's good to see you have come back to us. Let me look at you, okay?" I nodded. He touched my left cheek it hurt and I winced. "Your just bruised here, nothing broken. Your wrist however is broken. I have put a cast on it. You have some bruised ribs, cuts and bruises. You are to stay in bed except to use the facilities of course but do not and I mean do not push yourself. You listen to your husband and stay put at least 24 full hours and then if you feel like it you can start to move around slowly, da?" I nodded. He told Dimitri that he would leave some pills to help with the pain and to call him if he or I needed anything.

Dimitri came back over after seeing the doctor out and sat back down and immediately took my hand in his. "Are you very angry at me?" I whispered. He brought his gaze to mine. I studied his face; he looked tired and worried and mad and it was all because of me. He lowered his head down to my hand and sighed. "I understand. I would be angry at me too" I said as tears rolled down my face. I felt his wonderful lips caressing my knuckles and it felt soothing. "I'm not angry with you Car. I am so used to being in control and when that control is gone I feel helpless. When I saw you being dragged into that car I almost lost my mind and then when I saw it roll, over and over I died a little inside. I had to get to you but when I saw you, hanging upside down and not moving..." he shook his head and couldn't finish his sentence. I heard him sniff and felt a wetness on my hand. My God he was crying! "Dimitri" I said, his head still down. "Mikhail" I said softly as he finally looked up at me. "Get in bed with me and rest" I said. He shook his head. " I don't want to hurt you" he said concerned. I patted my thigh. "You can lay your head right here" I said finally talking him into it. He got up and said that he'd be right back. He was gone for a few minutes but came back dressed in his black pj pants, crawled onto the bed and laid his head on my lap and using the blanket from our bench. I put my hand in his hair, scraping my nails along his scalp and massaging him tenderly; I felt his body relax as mine did and we drifted off.

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