Chapter 70-Devastated

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Carina felt great when Monday morning finally rolled around.  She'd had a great birthday and her and Dimitri had spent the rest of the weekend in bed making love and spending quality time with each other.  She chose her gray dress pants and a wine colored silk blouse and wore her hair in a ponytail.  She gazed down at her birthday present.  Every time she looked at it she thought of her husband's beautiful eyes.  She sighed happily as she put on her makeup and then grabbed her briefcase for work and headed down stairs.  Viktoria was out of town visiting her sister so I fixed us breakfast; blinis with fresh strawberries and black berries with fresh cream.  "These are delicious Carina" Dimitri remarked.  "Viktoria showed me how to make them for you so any time you want them I can whip them up for you" I said smiling at him.  We talked a little bit and then we headed out the door and into the car.

Dimitri was more attentive in the car than normal; holding my hand, kissing my knuckles, stealing kisses from me; it just didn't feel right.  I didn't have time to think about it anymore because we arrived at the club.  Liam jumped out of the follow car and slid into the driver's seat.  That's odd, normally Mattias would be doing this.  Dimitri offered me his hand as I got out of the car.  I received a very wet passionate kiss from him which was bizarre.  He pressed his lips to my forehead and said "I love you Carina Mia Alexandrov, to the moon and back." And then he got in the car and was gone.  I had a terrible nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach as I walked into the club.

Marco, Mattias and I got upstairs and I started to go into my office when I turned around and looked at the men.  "I'm not fucking stupid.  I know something is going on.  I won't ask because I know you wont' tell me anything anyway.  I just wanted you to know."  I went into my office and closed the door.  I texted Dimitri I know something is going on.  I won't ask you but please know I love you more than life.  Please be careful and please come back to me.  I love you!  xxoo C and pressed send.  I knew something for sure was wrong when I didn't get a reply and wouldn't hear from him the rest of the day.  I tried throwing myself into work but my heart wasn't in it.  Finally 4:30 arrived and I told Marco I was ready to go.  We headed downstairs to leave and then all hell broke lose.

We started to get into the car when I saw Dimitri's car speeding away and Marco and Mattias were pushing me into the car, Marco was driving and Mattias was in back with me.  Marco was on the phone and I could hear Dimitri yelling instructions at him.  "Yes boss I understand.  We are getting her out of here right now!"  We had pulled out onto the road to head for home and I looked back to see Dimitri's car going the other way and then BOOM!  "Noooooooooo!  Dimitri!" I screamed hysterically.  "Oh my God! No, no, no!  Go back Marco!"  I was sobbing and clawing at the back seat at this point when Marco looked at Mattias through the review and nodded.  I felt a sharp sting in the side of my neck and as I lost consciousness I heard Mattias whisper "Forgive me Carina" and I blacked out.

My head felt woozy as I tried to focus my eyes and piece together the nightmare I just had.  I sat up slowly to see Marco and Mattias standing there looking at me and in that instant I knew it wasn't a dream.  "No!" I started sobbing and shaking my head.  "Dimitri" I cried as I slid to the floor.  I felt gentle hands trying to pull me to my feet.  "Come on Carina get back on the bed" it was Marco.  I shook my head.  "I can't be in this bed not without Dimitri.!" I just kept saying.  "I don't understand.  What happened?"  Looking at the men for answers.  "We don't know.  We're looking into it" said Mattias.  "Why? Why weren't you with him?" I demanded pointing at Mattias accusingly.  "He didn't want me today.  He asked for Liam.  I don't question him Carina.  I follow orders."  I was pacing like a person mad.  "I don't understand this.  That wasn't his car.  It has to be a mistake" I kept talking to myself.  I walked into the bathroom and into his closet.  I grabbed the shirt he wore the night of my birthday at the club; it still smelled of him; as I put it on I collapsed onto the floor "No!" I wailed.  The last thing I remember was Marco and Mattias running in there and I heard one of them say they needed Dr. Malikov.

My head hurt like I'd been hit in the face and my eyes felt swollen from all the crying as I tried to sit up.  I noticed Marco was sitting in a chair by the bed and Mattias was having a cigarette on the balcony.  I was still wearing Dimitri's shirt when I said to Marco, my voice cold and empty "Please but a bullet in my brain.  If you don't, I will."  Mattias whirled around.  "Don't ever say that.  It's not going to happen, ever."  He was mad.  I didn't care.  "What does it matter anyway?" I said.  "I'm dead without him."  I got up, grabbed his pillow and walked to the bathroom and went into his closet.  I peeled my clothes off and put his shirt back on and laid down on the floor as the tears started to flow again.  I didn't plan on trying to stop them anyway.  I couldn't believe he was gone.  I had waited for him for ten years and and we had so little time together.  That didn't seem like a fair trade off to me.  I just laid there mumbling over and over "You promised you wouldn't leave me.  You lied."  Images of him just kept flashing before my eyes: the first night we kissed, the night I gave myself to him, our engagement party, our wedding day and I just cried harder.  I would give my life to get him back.  I would do anything.  "God if you can hear me...please don't take him from me!" I begged as I sobbed.  I finally had no strength left and eventually cried myself to sleep.

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