Chapter 16-Wedding Day (Just revised)

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Carina couldn't sleep, but stayed in bed anyway, hoping she didn't end up with luggage under her eyes.  That would be just awful. 

She picked up her phone and stared at the time.  Ugh...4:30 in the morning, but she took a chance that he would still be awake, she started a text. 

Hey you...are you awake or am I the only weird one in the world right now? and hit send.

Almost immediately her phone pinged back, a smile spread across her face as she read it.

No dorogaya you are not the only weird one in the world.  You know I don't sleep well when I'm alone.  Question is why are you still awake?  Her heart dropped at his confession.

She responded with:
Well the funny thing is after sharing your bed the last couple of nights I am finding that I don't do alone well either.  And I guess it's nerves too.  I've waited for ten years to become Mrs. Dimitri Alexandrov and now that it's happening...I'm just ready to start my life with you.

Carina waited for his response, which came immediately. 

I'm ready for that to and our wedding night.  I've missed your body wrapped around mine.  I find I crave it. 

Her body shivered in anticipation at Dimitri's words.  She typed out another text. 

Well having said that I suggest that you try and get some sleep as we both will not be getting much later.

Carina was already feeling a dampness in her panties and found she was so ready for him. 

Her phone pinged again. 

I can tell that you are aroused.  Do not touch yourself.  I want the pleasure of doing that.  I love watching you come for me. 

Gawd!  Now he was being cruel but she quickly had something that she knew would press his buttons. 

Maybe I won't let you touch, maybe I'll let you watch... and she hit send.

Her phone instantly pinged back. 

You are a tease Carina Mia.  I will hold you to this.  Now go to sleep and dream of me. 

Carina got him good and worked up and she was sure their wedding night would be very interesting. 

She typed back one more time.

Yes sir!  xoxo C.

Carina closed her eyes and thought only of him.

"Carina, dorogaya.  It's time to get up honey.  Someone I know is getting married this morning!" Carina opened her eyes to see her mother's beautiful face shining down at her.

"I love you mama and I will love you even more if you tell me that there is coffee ready" She responded sleepily.

She looked at her daughter sympathetically.  "Did you get any sleep?" 

"I think I went to sleep around 5 this morning.  Dimitri and I ended up texting, he couldn't sleep either and then he practically ordered me to go to sleep." She said, trying to act mad but just couldn't pull it off. 

"Well come downstairs and get some coffee.  Svetlana and Ana will be here soon.  We have lots to do. 

I've already gotten a phone call that everything is ready at the church.  They just need a bride, the groom and the wedding party."  Bless her heart, she was as excited as Carina was.

Coffee was just what she needed and then her best friends arrived and it was like high school and college all over again, the three of them crammed into that little bathroom. 

She asked the girls to come with her to the bedroom.  She had their gifts and wanted to give them now while it was just the three of them alone.

Handing each girl an unique gift bag, Carina waited for their reactions. 

Lana opened her's first.  It was a white gold necklace with a lavish diamond encrusted L, a framed picture of them on graduation and finally a gift pass to the New York Philharmonic inviting her to set in on a practice session and play her cello. 

She looked at Carina through teary eyes.  "How and when did you manage to pull this off?  I love you so much!  Thank you!" she said all at once.

Carina laughed and told her that Dimitri had helped with the last gift, because he knew a friend of a friend.

Then it was Ana's turn.  She received the same necklace but her charm was an A, the same picture, and her last gift was an invitation to a prestigious art gallery in Manhattan to showcase a couple of her paintings. 

She was crying and couldn't say anything but thank you.  Carina said that Dimitri had helped with her gift as well. 

Now it was time to get ready.

Lana did Carina's makeup while Ana did her hair and when the makeup was complete, Ana had her stand up facing away from the mirror and carefully attached her veil. 

Both girls just looked stunned.  "Oh Carina!  He's not going to be able to keep his hands off of you!"  They all laughed and Carina hoped to God that was true because she found she missed his touch.

"Okay" said Ana.  "Let's get your dress on and then you can look!" 

Their gift to Carina was a bridal white corset, panty and garter set that came with stockings. 

The corset was beautiful and zipped in the back, the panties, if you could call them that, was barely a triangle of material in the front and a thin strip that went up the back. 

He'll have those ripped off in no time she thought.

Carina pulled the stockings on and with the girls help, they managed to get them attached properly to the garter. 

Ana had Carina's dress ready and they helped her put the dress over her head, careful of the veil, and then lastly, her ivory lace heels. 

"Wow" Lana breathed.  "Take a look" she said turning her to the mirror. 

Her mouth fell open.  She was stunning!  The girls had done a beautiful job with everything. 

"You guys I don't know what to say.  Thank you so much!" Carina said, leaning in for a group hug.

They talked while stepping into their emerald green cocktail dresses. 

Yes, she picked that color because of his eyes.  Dimitri's eyes.

When they were ready, they headed downstairs where her mom and dad were. 

Her Dad looked so handsome in his best suit. 

Carina walked up and gave him a peck on his cheek and all he could do was clear his throat and walk into the kitchen, his face was overcome with emotion.

Carina's Mom wore a beautiful Mother-of-the-Bride dress and you guessed was the same color as the bridesmaid's dresses. 

She tried hard not to cry but a few tears escaped as she handed her daughter her bouquet and informed her that Dimitri had ordered a limo to take them all to the church and her bag was already in the car. 

Carina looked at her family and her two friends and said "I'm as ready as I'll ever be!"

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