Chapter 90-Change is Good

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"I want to pass on my arms dealings to you" Dimitri said to Adriano and Alessio.  "We've done business for years, you guys know how it works plus I trust you and your family.  I have to get out of this part of my businesses.  I can't have Carina put in any more danger.  I will be strictly legit going forward.  I will do for you what I need to when you need me to do it but that part of the business is yours" he said handing them a contract he had his lawyer draw up.  The brothers looked at Dimitri and grinned.  "Dad will be happy about this.  We really appreciate you doing this for our family Dimitri" they said shaking his hand.  "I have already had conversations with my contacts, they are willing to work with you on this, provided everything stays the exact way it is now.  All of that is outlined in the contract.  To tell you the truth I'm actually glad to be rid of this.  It was different when I was single but I have Carina to think about now."  The men continued to talk business while the girls were still visiting with Carina.

"You look like you're ready to go dancing" Lana said sniffling trying to smile at the same time.  Carina felt bad for her friends.  "Lana I know what I look like and I know Dimitri told you not to bring up my injuries; he forgets that I know him better than he knows himself.  It's okay really.  The bruises will fade and the scars, well they are what they are.  I'm not that vain plus there are really good products out there that can hide it" she said trying to add levity to the heaviness in the room.  Ana grabbed her hand.  "You have to stop acting like you're a one-woman army Rina.  My heart can't take many more phone calls like this one.  Please honey for my sake, just be married, have lots of sex with that gorgeous husband and make babies!"  The women laughed; but unbeknownst to them Dimitri, Adriano and Alessio heard that whole conversation.  "Careful Dim, that's gonna be the next convo she has with you" warned Adriano.  Alessio shook his head and said "Don't listen to him.  Would that really be such a bad thing?  You guys would definitely make beautiful babies.  You should at least talk to her about it.  I happen to know that Carina has always wanted to be a mom."  This gave Dimitri a lot to think about.  Dimitri had Marco get the couples settled into the main house in the downstairs guestrooms and went back in to talk to his wife.  She was sleeping again so he took Marco's advice and pulled the blanket back on him and settled into the chair.  He was so tired; his heavy eyes closed as he took a last look at his wife.  

Carina felt like she'd been sleeping forever.  She could see the sun starting to break the horizon which meant it was Thursday now.  She looked over at her sleeping husband and studied him.  His long legs stretched in front of him crossed at the ankles, a blanket thrown across the top of his body, his chin resting on his chest and his face looking relaxed and serene as he slept.  She loved how some of his hair had fallen into his face covering part of one eye.  He was so beautiful to her.  The nurse broke her from her thoughts as she came in and Carina put a finger up to her mouth and pointed at the sleeping Dimitri.  She nodded and came over to the bed.  "Dr. Malikov will be in shortly to discuss you being moved to your own bed at home.  Can I get you anything?"  I shook my head no but thanked her.  She said they would be back in a little bit as she walked out.  "Baby" she called out.  He stirred a little.  Poor thing he was exhausted.  "Mikhail" she called again.  That woke him up.  "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.  "Yeah.  Doc will be in shortly to let me know if I can go home right now.  I knew you would want to be awake" she finished.  He got up, leaned over her and placed a kiss on her forehead.  "You're so beautiful" he whispered.  "You just want in my panties" she joked.  He smirked and marveled that she could joke despite everything.

Dr. Malikov had prepared everything for her to be able to go home; had the men come with the gurney so they could carry her even though she argued that she could walk.  Instructions for Dimitri and told him to let me continue to take the previous pain meds that I had.  Finally I was home and in my own bed.  Dimitri said we could do dinner later with our guests if I was feeling up to it.  I was looking out the opened balcony door when Dimitri came back in.  "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" he asked quietly.  I shook my head and said "It just feels so surreal.  I honestly didn't think I was going to see you again.  I was already prepared to die; but the thing that kept rolling through my head was how is Dimitri going to deal with this? "  She wiped away some tears that had escaped and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it from happening.  He came over to my side of the bed and got down on his knees, taking my hands in both of his, laid his face on top of our folded hands and cried.  My heart broke hearing him weep but like so many times with me I just let him do it and get it out of his system.  He had stopped crying but his head was still down so I moved one of my hands and put it on top of his head, running my fingers through his hair.  He didn't say anything but got up and disappeared into the bathroom; he was gone for about 10 minutes but came back in gray joggers and a black tee shirt; he crawled in bed next to me and laid his head on my thigh.  I placed my hand back in his hair and felt him relax immediately.  He feel asleep before I did; I had a feeling I would have to work for my rest as it would not come easy.  Every time I closed my eyes I could see Yurmov's face laughing at me.  

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