Chapter 87-Skype Gone Wrong

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Dimitri paced like a caged animal, he was disheveled. Why hasn't their been any contact or demand? He couldn't understand this at all.  They sat in a van in Fusion's parking lot trying get a lock on where Carina might be. The men watched him guardedly and then his Skype went off; incoming message. Holy fuck! It was live streaming of Carina, hanging by chains from her wrist, her feet barely touching the floor, her head back as she was unconscious. Dimitri growled as Yurmov's ugly face came into view. "Nice you could join us" he said his accent heavier than Dimitri's. "You son of a bitch..." Dimitri yelled before he was cut off. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he snarled. "Such a beautiful wife you have" he said pulling Carina's head forward, her right cheek busted open and blood running down her face and staining her shirt, she was still out. Yurmov held something under her nose that made her jerk awake; she groaned in pain. "Ah sleeping beauty is awake" he cajoled. Carina just stared at him hatefully. "We are going to play 20 questions" the man said. "I want to know about your husband's arms dealings." Carina stared straight ahead. She wasn't going to tell him that she didn't know. He slapped her hard, her head jerking back as she groaned. When she lifted her head up her lip was busted. "I asked you a question bitch, I want an answer" he was pissed at her silence. She stood silent as he punched her in the side when she didn't answer. "I can do this all day" he singsonged.

Dimitri was in hell watching his wife go through this. She was strong but he didn't know how much she could endure. "Okay, okay" she said weakly. "I'll tell you"she barely whispered. Yurmov walked to her and she smacked him in the face with her head breaking his nose. "Fucking cunt!" he roared as he punched her in the stomach and slapped her face several times. She coughed and spit blood but still held her tongue. "We're going to have some fun now. Watch this Dimitri, are you watching?" he chortled as he took a knife and cut open Carina's shirt. Dimitri about lost it. Please God no! he wailed on the inside, on the outside he was drawing blood from digging his nails into his palms. Yurmov ran the knife down Carina's front. "So sexy" he purred. "Now I understand why you fuck her" he said as he laughed.

Yurmov made a cut by her collar bone; Carina bit down on her busted lip to keep from screaming, blood dripping from the wound. Then he placed the knife at her hipbone and drug it across her skin deeper than the first cut causing her to scream. "Fuck!" she cried out. "I can carve all day long" he said menacingly. "Please let me talk to Dimitri and I will tell you what you want to know" she pleaded with her captor. "Speak" he said pointing at the web cam. "Dimitri baby, you have been my one true love. I love you to the moon and back and I know I have said this before but I will always love you." God she hoped he picked up on her code. "Now your turn" he said. She said nothing but looked straight ahead. "Ahhhh! You lying bitch!" he cursed cutting down her abdomen and this time the pain was too much as Dimitri and his men watched her drop as she passed out.

Liam was looking at Carina's laptop when he noticed a Locate Your Phone icon on her desktop. He yelled and then got quite not wanting Yurmov to hear him. He whispered excitedly to Marco that he found her, the warehouse district! Dimitri already had his mean suiting up. Just as he was about to turn back to the screen he heard a familiar voice, Alexandria Korpov! "You remember the night your precious wife told me to 'fuck off'? Well looks like the situation has changed!" she sneered hatefully. She held the same stuff under Carina's nose and her head jerked again as she hissed in pain. "Remember me bitch?" Carina just stared ahead. "Do you know how many times I fucked your precious Dimitri? All night, all over my apartment and all positions." Carina knew she was trying to get a reaction, she wouldn't give her the satisfaction. "You are pathetic" Carina said hoarsely. "We have no secrets with each other. You think you're telling me something new? Bitch please" Carina said. This enraged the woman as she grabbed a handful of Carina's hair and yanked it back hard causing her to yell out. She took the knife from Carina's captor and put it up to her face and ran it across her chin cutting her deeply. "Jesus!" Carina screamed. "I bet he never told you how he got that sexy scar on his face?" Alexandria quipped. "You're a coward. I know it was you." Carina whispered. That shut the woman up. "Okay I've grown tired of this. Alexandrov the next time you see your wife you will be planning a funeral." Yurmov had no idea that Dimitri and thirty of his men were already outside the warehouse ready to storm in with guns blazing.

Liam was using heat recognizing equipment to locate how many combatants were in there; the man had only brought ten men which was stupid. Dimitri watched Yurmov and Alexandria do multiple lines of coke and start making out while his wife hung there bleeding and beat up. "Yurmov and the woman are mine" he gritted through clinched teeth, loading his shot gun. "Surprise is to our advantage. Marco you have Team 1, Mattias Team 2 and everyone else with me. Go!" Yurmov's men were untrained and never knew what hit them. The men quickly neutralized the threat and joined Dimitri. He held up his hand and counted to three then they busted in. Yurmov and his woman were high so it was easy to subdue them. It didn't stop him from trying lunge at Carina with his knife. Dimitri shot his hand off, leaving the man howling and writhing in pain and a bloody mess. Marco had grabbed Alexandria who was scared shitless by this point as Dimitri shot her a deathly look.

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