Chapter 5-Giving Him Everything (just revised)

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Demitri and Carina spent a couple of hours with her parents after closing and then Dimitri disappeared with her father for about half an hour and when they returned, Carina's father came to her and kissed her, then her mother did the same, her eyes filled with happy tears.

"I gave your bag to your father and Dimitri put it in his car.  I love you Carina.  This is your time, enjoy it" she said. 

Carina hugged her and turned to see Dimitri standing there waiting with his hand extended. 

She placed her hand in his, squeezing it gently signaling that she was ready and they walked out and got into his chauffeur driven 2016 black Audi sedan, headed to his hotel.

The drive was quiet, not awkwardly so but in contemplation.  She slid her arm under Dimitri's and clasped his hand in hers, putting her other hand on top and then laid her head on his shoulder breathing in his scent. 

It was alluring and intoxicating.  He leaned over and kissed her on top of her head, her eyes closing as she enjoyed the feeling of this Adonis by her side. 

"God even in sleep you are beautiful" he breathed.  "Car, wake up, we're here" he said.  She slowly opened her eyes and looked into beautiful green ones and smiled, unwrapping herself from his arm, she prepared to leave the car. 

Apparently he'd already checked in before he showed up at the restaurant because they went straight to the elevator and headed for the 30th floor, the penthouse and from the looks of it, it was the entire floor. 

Marco slid the key card into the door, was gone for a bit and came back saying it was all clear.  He bid them goodnight and left the apartment.

Dimitri headed to the bedroom as she followed. He put her bag on the bed, walking to her and said "I'm going to take a quick shower and then I would like to talk, okay?" he asked.

"Absolutely" She replied smiling at him. He took his jacket off and hung it in the closet, came out and pulled his shirt out of his pants and started unbuttoning it.

He had it off in a matter of minutes and she audibly gasped. Holy shit! He was fucking hot!

He had a scrolled tattoo of a cross in the middle of his chest, her name on his pec and a dark tattoo that went from his shoulder and wrapped around his arm.

Sweet baby Jesus how was she so lucky? If pure sex had legs and could walk it would be Dimitri Alexandrov! He smirked while she gawked and he went into the bathroom.

When she heard the water, she ran to find another bathroom to freshen herself up. She changed her underwear and bra to a sexy red lace set, brushed her hair, put on nude lip gloss and a touch of Eternity by Calvin Klein. Good, she could still hear the shower so she knew he wasn't done yet.

She picked up his shirt and put it on and wandered to the balcony, sliding the door open she went out, standing on the outdoor sofa and looked up mesmerized by the night sky and she never heard Dimitri leave the bathroom.

Dimitri got out of the shower and dried off then pulled on gray jogging pants, totally commando; he walked to the mirror and dried his hair with the towel and ran his fingers through it. He brushed his teeth and went find Carina.

The sight that greeted him when he walked into the bedroom stopped him dead in his tracks. Carina had the balcony door open,  and she was standing on the outdoor sofa, looking up at the sky but what really made his cock hard was her in his shirt, open, with red bra and panties torturing him from beneath. 

He spotted another tattoo above her right hipbone and her belly button was pierced, a charm dangling from it.

He walked toward the opening and stopped stretching his arms to the door frame above his head.

"So beautiful" she murmured.

"Yes you are" Dimitri said startling her. She laughed putting her hand above her heart.

"You scared me to death Di!" He grinned.

It was her turn to gawk at his godlike body; biting her lower lip she heard a low growl escape his lips.

"Don't do that Car" he uttered.  She really didn't know the effect she had on him. "I want the pleasure of biting that beautiful lip."

"Oh" She said softly staring at the growing bulge in his pants.

"Da....oh" he finished as he walked over to the couch and sitting down. 

She let out a small breath and began by saying "There are some things I need to tell you Di" her voice nervous.  He didn't say anything so she continued. 

"When mama told me about being promised to you and even only being 10 at the time, I made a promise to you and myself that I would never be with anyone but you. 

I focused on school and then university and when I wasn't thinking about those you consumed my thoughts.  That kiss we shared in my office was the first time a man has ever kissed me." 

She paused, as the gravity of what she'd said began to sink in.  "So, what you're telling me're a virgin?" 

It was pure awe in his voice when he said virgin.  She nodded slowly looking for any reaction.  "Carina I don't know what to say.  I'm blown away by your revelation; that you would hold us in such high esteem leaves me with no words." 

She continued.  "I read every book I could on sex and making love and some videos" her cheeks brightened as she revealed this secret.  "I wasn't going to be totally unprepared for you.  You are mine and if I can't please you in bed I don't deserve you." 

There.  She was done; she'd said everything that needed saying.  The next move was his.  "Come here dorogaya" he said thickly.

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