Chapter 17-St. Peters (just revised)

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Carina watched her brides maids as they linked arms with the Costas brothers.

First Lana and Adriano and then a few moments later Ana and Alessio.

Her dad kissed her on both cheeks and pulled her veil down over her eyes; in what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, she heard the wedding march and the double doors were both opened up by ushers from the church.

The pews were decorated with beautiful miniature bouquets of white roses and as she was looking down the aisle at all the guests, her eyes fell on Dimitri.

She felt like the air had been sucked from her body as she took in his handsome features.

He was the only person in the room as far as she was concerned and it felt like she was watching outside her body at someone else taking that walk.

He stood there in a dark black fitted suit, black tie, black dress shirt and as she looked down at his wrists crossed in front of him, she noticed he was wearing the emerald cuff links.

Her heart soared as she searched his beautiful face. There was a mixture of emotions going on in his eyes and she knew these emotions because they were the same ones going on inside of her right now.

Her father walked her up beside him, turned to her, and lifted her veil; kissing her on the cheek, he told her he loved her. 

She was trying very hard not to cry, but a tear managed to slide it's way down anyway.

The priest asked who was giving the bride and her father answered in a clear and proud voice "We do. Her mother and I" and he placed her hand in Dimitri's and whispered "Take care of my baby" and he walked over to her mother as the priest motioned for everyone to sit down.

She couldn't take her eyes off of Dimitri. He was beautiful and he was hers. 

He mouthed at her You are stunning and she mouthed back So are you and smiled.

The priest carried on with the traditional ceremony and when it came time for the vows he said "The Bride and the Groom have prepared their own vows. Mr. Alexandrov, you may go first."

Dimitri turned to Carina and her to him as he began.

"Carina, I promise to encourage your compassion, it's what makes

I promise to bring you laughter after tears. I promise to give you my shoulder to lean on when you feel troubled.

I promise to love and cherish you, to be faithful only to you, until I have no breath left in my body. I love you dorogoya."

Carina almost lost it with his words; so beautiful in meaning and they were her words from him to carry with her the rest of her days.

"Ms. Romanov..." he said.   She cleared her throat and began.

"Dimitri, I join my life with yours. Wherever you go, I will follow. Whatever you face, I will face.

I promise with all that I have to love you, cherish you, honor you and respect you. There is no one else but you.

You are mine and I am yours. With my heart I will love you and with my body I will worship you and this I will do until death takes me from you. I love you Di."

His eyes watered a bit with her declaration for him.

When they were done with their vows, they exchanged rings.

Now Dimitri had no idea that Marco had helped Carina with his ring but the reaction that she would receive would tell her if Marco truly knows his friend and employer.

She got him a plain wide platinum band that she knew would look stunning on his huge hands and she had it engraved with a simple I love you to the moon and back on the inside.

Her rings were beautiful; they were a type of ring guard, both bands were tailor made for her engagement ring so when Dimitri slipped one on he then motioned her to put her engagement ring back on her left finger and then slipped the other band on encasing her engagement ring.

She couldn't believe how beautiful the complete set was. After this was done the priest said "In the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit and by the authority vested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!" he said to Dimitri.

He brought both hands to either side of her face and brought his lips to hers and for a moment it was only them, as she fell into his sweet kiss.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Mikhail Alexandrov!"

Everyone clapped as they walked back down the aisle, husband and wife this time.

Mr. Reddy, Clarissa's dad, was a professional photographer and had agreed, with much joy, to take their wedding photos.

He told Dimitri that he would need them back inside when everyone had moved to the reception hall. Dimitri nodded and told him that they would be in the little room off to the side and he could knock when he was ready for them.

Dimitri pulled her into the little side room and sitting on a small table, he pulled her between his legs and lowered his mouth to her neck which absolutely drove her crazy.

"You look so beautiful, Mrs. Alexandrov" he murmured against her skin.

All she could do was moan as he continued assaulting her neck with his kisses.

"Oh Dimitri..." She moaned.  "If you don't stop we won't make it to bed and I don't want to be responsible for defiling the house of God!"

This made him chuckle and he reluctantly pulled away. She laid her head to his forehead and sighed.

"You have made me the happiest woman on earth, do you know this?" She asked him as she put her arms around him.

"I think that is my line" he said kissing her forehead. "Let's go get pictures and then get the reception over with. I want you naked and in my bed!"

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