Chapter 94-Surprise!

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It was hard to believe that it was December already. Carina missed her family and friends; she always got very emotional around the holidays, they were always such good times and memories. The last time she saw Lana was six weeks ago; she would call her later. Dimitri had already left for work but left her an adorable note on his pillow. She started to get up but felt dizzy all of a sudden. She leaned against the bed getting her bearings before feeling her stomach start to churn. She barely made it to the toilet before she vomited. That's odd she thought. Maybe it was something she ate. She shrugged as she stood at the mirror brushing her hair, her eyes mindlessly raking the contents of the lavatory until they fell on the package of birth control pills. Oh my God! She had stopped taking the pills right after she'd healed from being kidnapped. Then another fact hit her...she was late! She hadn't even noticed. She started taking the pill because of irregular periods. She felt her boobs. Damn they were tender. Her hand flew to her mouth. Dizzy, throwing up, tender boobs, missed period, they could only mean one thing...she was pregnant! She picked up her phone immediately. "Dr. Malikov it's Carina. Can you see me right now?"

She sat in his office, her legs bouncing up and down, her heart in her throat. The waiting was killing her. Finally the doctor came back in, a broad smile plastered across his face. "Carina you are indeed with child. Congratulations!" he said as her hand flew to her mouth and the tears flowed. She jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. He chuckled as she squeezed him. He handed her the pregnancy test...yep two lines! "I would like to do a sonogram okay? Just to take some pictures and your next appointment we will be able to hear the heartbeat. I am guessing you are about six weeks along, but the sonogram will tell me conclusively." She nodded excitedly.
She changed into a gown and was lying on the table when the doctor and his nurse Greta came into the room. She smiled brightly at her. She watched Malikov put a condom over a wand-looking instrument, put her legs in the stirrups and told her to lay back. He told me every step of the way what he was doing. She felt him gently insert the wand and with the other hand he manipulated a ball that was in the middle of the keyboard; while moving the wand around he finally stopped and said "Carina, look child. There's your baby" he said smiling. She couldn't stop grinning as she looked at their little peanut on the screen as he pressed buttons, took measurements, etc. "I would say that conception took place about six weeks ago" he said confirming his initial statement. That was the weekend she told Dimitri they had made a baby! He printed out several pictures for her and told her to get dressed and they would talk some more about prenatal care.

She walked towards the house slowly, looking at the pictures of their child, crying with joy. They had made a beautiful creature that was growing inside of her; part her, part Dimitri. It boggled the mind, this miracle of creation. Marco was waiting for her on the porch looking ever like the worried father. "I saw you take off out of the house towards Dr. Malikov's. Are you okay?" he asked concerned. She nodded and said "More than okay!" He glanced down at her hands and then back at her face. His always stoic face spread into a slow smile. "Are you...?" "Yes!" She whispered. "But please don't say anything. I want to surprise Dimitri when he gets home from work" She said. Marco grabbed her into a hug. "I'm so happy for you Carina. You both will make wonderful parents" Marco said genuinely. She thanked him and went inside overcome with happiness.

She had asked Viktoria to make dinner for them to have on the balcony this evening. It was 5:30 and she knew he was on his way home. She put on black heels, black shorts and a white off-the-shoulder sweater. She pulled her hair in a side ponytail that laid on her covered shoulder and waited excitedly for her husband to come home. She was busy looking at the sky, saying a prayer of thanks, when Dimitri walked in, but she didn't hear him. She was miles away. He'd taken his shoes and socks off, pulled his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned it; he knew she loved seeing him like that. He walked to the door and looked at his beautiful wife, her long legs showcased in short shorts and black heels, he could also see her nipples through the sweater she was wearing. He cleared his throat to make his presence known. She brought her head down and smiled at her husband and walked slowly towards him.

Carina put her arms inside his shirt and wrapped her arms around his waist, looking adoringly at him. "Hey lover. Maybe I should tell Viktoria that I'm having dessert first" she flirted and then asked "How was your day?" He tenderly kissed her and said "Better as soon as I walk in that door." He always knew what to say. "So what's the special occasion that we are eating out here?" he asked curiously. She motioned for him to sit down in the already pulled out chair. He noticed a long black box at his place on the table with a card on top. It wasn't their anniversary or birthday, she was always giving him little things even if there was no reason to, just because. "Open the card first" she said. He pulled the card out and read it silently. First there was only me, then me became us, and now us becomes we because my dear Dimitri baby makes three! xxoo C was all she had written on the card. He looked at her then back down at the card again, reading it for a second time and then back to her again. He slowly picked up the black box and opened it. It was her pregnancy test. He got out of his chair and dropped to his knees in front of her and laid his head against her belly.  She ran both hands through his hair, scraping his scalp gently with her nails and could hear him sigh; then he looked up at her, tears in his eyes and said "I'm going to be a father?" She nodded as her own tears fell. "Oh my God!" he breathed. She pulled the pictures out of the envelope and gave them to him. He was in awe. "This is amazing!" he breathed.  She nodded in agreement. "We're having a baby!" he shouted.

he shouted.

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