Chapter 46-Roses

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Gregor and Carina started on the inventory in the basement of the club first.  It was going to be the hardest to get through.  "I'm excited about doing this with you Carina" he said.  "It's been needing an organizing touch for a long time."  I grinned and told him some ideas that I had, listened to what he had to say and then put both of our ideas together in a workable plan and began the daunting task.  We'd been at it for about three hours and I was glad to say that the inventory down here at least wasn't off by much and that could mean a couple of things:  a)the missing bottles were at the various upstairs bars or b)those were some of the bottles Liev helped himself to.  At any rate it was going well and they both held hopeful thoughts that they would be done by 5:30.  Carina's phone vibrated in her pocket.  It was a text from Marco.  Can you come to the front please?  It's not an emergency.  She was grateful he clarified.  She told Gregor she was needed up front and would be right back.

When she got to the front Marco was standing by the door and there was a delivery man there holding what looked like 3 dozen pink roses!  She couldn't help the smile on her face when she walked up to him.  "Mrs. Carina Alexandrov?" he asked politely.  I nodded and he thrust a small IPad at me to sign.  I took the huge vase and sat it down on the bar and quickly opened the card.  My heart melted; I love you to the moon and back!  Love Dimitri.  Marco walked with me back to my office so I could place the flowers on my desk and call my husband.  I texted him Can you talk?  My phone pinged back right away Yes so I dialed his number immediately.  "Alexandrov" that melty hot fudge  voice answered; it did things to my body.  "They're beautiful Di.  Thank you so much.  My office smells divine."  "I'm sure they pale in comparison to you but you are very welcome.  How's the inventory going?"  I told him excitedly about our discovery and how we had high hopes that we were in better shape than anticipated and we hoped to be done with the basement inventory by 5:30 and tomorrow would be the topside bars.  "Car I'm so proud of you.  It makes me feel so much better knowing that you are looking out for our investments.  Keep up the good work."  His words made my heart swell.  I asked how things were going at Zeus.  "They are going very well.  Our numbers show that the club made a 5% increase in revenue than what was originally anticipated.  The investors are very happy and so am I.  I can't wait to bring you here.  I have one more meeting here and then I will be at my parents house.  Call you tonight?"  I told him he'd better.  We said our goodbyes and I hung up feeling much better than I had in the last 24 hours.  The package never crossed my mind the rest of the day.

The basement inventory was complete.  We were dirty and sweaty but emerged with huge grins.  Tomorrow's inventory would be much easier because I would be doing it with the employees and not in a basement.  I looked at my phone, it read 4:15!  My stomach was growling and I realized I hadn't stopped for lunch and neither had Gregor.  Marco already anticipated this and had some food delivered.  We sat at the bar talking about tomorrow's tasks and as soon as we finished eating I went back to my office, but first I thanked Gregor for all his hard work.  "Thanks but you made this a lot easier.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow and then finalizing the numbers to see where we truly are."  I agreed with him and told him to get a good night's sleep, he deserved it.

Back in my office I punched the numbers into my spreadsheet and then re-ran the bottom numbers and it was definitely looking up.  If I had to guess most of the money that Liev embezzled came from door charges and any freebies liquor wise that we received, he was selling those and pocketing the money.  She shook her head wondering what could have been going through his mind to steal from a Russian mob boss?  And one that was already generous to a fault.  I had seen the payroll and Dimitri paid well for loyalty and good service.  There was no reason for him to steal from him and not only that he was taking money from the people that worked here.  She shook her head but wasn't going to worry about it anymore.  Whatever happened with him he got what he deserved as far as she was concerned.  Finally finishing imputing numbers it was a little after 6 now and Carina was tired.  She could hear the club coming to life as Happy Hour started to kick in.

She and Marco headed out to do some shopping for Dimitri; she got the watch, found a cool boxed DVD set featuring Pink Floyd from beginning to present and then she got the cologne.  She had two more gifts for him but Lana had helped her with those already.  She couldn't wait to give him his presents.  He was coming home tomorrow and her body was already tightening at the thought of him in bed with her; his mouth all over her, his hands caressing her, his fingers pleasuring her and him filling her with his heat just made her shiver with anticipation.  They pulled into the carport attached to the house and Marco informed her that he would be staying in the house again tonight.  "Marco, thanks for taking care of him all these years.  I have come to find out very quickly why he is so fond of you and I am to." she finished by giving the man a peck on the cheek.  To say he was at a loss for words was an understatement.  "It's my pleasure Carina.  He's a good man.  Good night and I will see you in the morning."  "Good night Marco" she said and went upstairs for shower and bed.

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