Chapter 82-Wax On Wax Off

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Carina knocked on the door. "Come in" a male voice said. "Dr. Malikov?" she asked. "In here Carina" he answered. She followed the voice to an office and saw him sitting behind his desk. "Thanks for seeing me" she said as she sat down. "Not a problem my dear. I've grown very fond of you. Now, after you called me I called your doctor in New York, they said you had given permission for me to know your medical history. The nosebleeds we can deal with, not an issue but tell me about the migraines. Your previous doctor said you were hospitalized three times because of the intensity." I nodded. "Yes, they did MRIs and CAT scans but determined that nothing was wrong just very painful migraines." He looked thoughtful. "Were you under a lot of stress?" I nodded. "Yes, it was during finals, I was working and helping with the restaurant." He opened his drawer and pulled out two bottles. "Calcium and take these, just in case. And if the migraines start with frequency again please don't hesitate to come and see me okay?" "Thanks doc. Can you please reassure Dimitri that I won't break? I know he's already talked with you about this." He chuckled. "You know him so well don't you?" I nodded and thanked him again, put the bottles in my pocket and started back to the main house.

I walked by the garage; I hadn't seen my car in a while so I pulled her out and decided since the weather was getting nice I would give her a wash and wax. I got the wash job done and put the windows down and took out my phone, hooked it up and cranked out Pour Some Sugar On Me and began waxing my baby, having fun dancing around and playing air guitar. I had sent Dimitri off to work today because I didn't feel like going in and wanted to play hooky. I hadn't heard his car pull up because I had the radio so loud but it seems I had an audience. I wasn't an attention seeker and still didn't get what the fuss was over me. I was just another woman as far as I was concerned.  

Dimitri couldn't believe what he was seeing. His wife, dressed in tight holey jeans, a tight pink tee shirt, barefoot, waxing her car with the radio blaring, stretched out over the hood. She had no idea what she could do to a man. That was part of her allure and charm. She wasn't full of her self, she had no idea the effect she had on people. "Good God woman" he muttered under his breath as Marco chuckled. "Not a word out of you" Dimitri tried to sound threatening. "That woman is going to be the death of me" he said getting out. The next thing that came blaring from the radio was Cherry Pie by Warrant. Dimitri knew about that song from his younger days and the connotation that it held. He watched his wife's body seem to move in time with the song and it was doing something to him.

Carina was busy taking care of her car she never heard Dimitri walk up on her, nor her audience scurry away from the deadly stares they received from their boss. She went to back up but hit something hard; she turned around to see Dimitri standing there smirking at her. She grinned back and tip toed to give him a kiss. "Hey lover". God he loved her nickname for him. "What are you doing home so early?" He stared down lovingly at her. "I missed my woman and wanted to come home but I find her looking like something out of a music video, washing her car and it makes me wonder what else I missed." He was full out smiling now, that smile that did things to my body. "Wanna help?" she asked him. He said he would go change his clothes and be right back. She got all the wax on but she could use the help getting it off.

Dimitri changed quickly into a tight black tank shirt, tight faded jeans and tennis shoes. He wished he'd had a camera to take her picture; she stood there gawking at him with her mouth open. He loved the affect he had on her. She did wonders for his ego. "Baby you might want to shut your mouth" he said being a smart ass. She picked up the hose and squirted him with it. The look on his face made her laugh until he started to chase her so she dropped the hose to get away from him. He wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he bent over and picked up the hose. "You wouldn't dare" she challenged, knowing very good and well that he would. "I think you know the answer to that dorogaya" his accent very thick. She'd tried to duck but he was too quick for her and she got a full blast of water on her front. She sputtered from the water that had gotten in her face and she felt like a wet, hot mess. Dimitri's expression did a complete 180 as he stalked towards her, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the garage and pulling the doors closed part way.

He picked her up and sat her on the work bench. "Are you cold?" his voice husky. I was confused by the question. "No, why?" I inquired. His hands went to my breasts and his thumbs rubbed my hardened nipples. "Because I can see these through your wet shirt" he breathed into my neck. Fuck! I was in trouble. But I would tease him right back. I ran my fingers through his hair gently pulling his head back and whispered "You shouldn't make me so wet." He slowly closed his eyes at my words and when he opened them they were full of lust. "I want you in our bed" he said seductively. "What about the wax? I can't just leave it" I whined. "Fuck the wax! I'll have Liam take care of it" he said helping me off the bench and dragging me to the house, yelling at Liam to take care of the car. I smiled smugly as I knew he was in full out caveman mode and he would punish me for teasing him by taking it out on my body.

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