Hiding Away Who I Really Am

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"Jasper, come on... You need to go to school, I'm sure you'll just blend into the crowd now!" A tiny voice drifted closer to me and I felt a gentle tug on my hair, trying to pull my face from the pillow. I let out a very weak, very hoarse groan and tried to swat my little Kwami away, but instead I got a slightly harsher tug on my hair.

Internally sighing, I sat up and glared at the gray and white, floating creature smirking as smugly as he could with his muzzle. Everyone, this is my Kwami, Neeks. He's centuries old and he dates even further back than Ancient Egypt. Apparently the local superheroes Ladybug and Chat Noir have kwamis younger than Neeks, but have still been a lot more active. He never told me the details, but apparently he had been out of action for many centuries until recently. Sometimes he would say something about how no one was really worthy enough to be the next Wolven, other times he just... Looks sad. It makes me wonder about what happened, but I can't very well ask him. I know what it's like, having something personal that you don't want to share, only to have people asking you about it all the time.

"Come on, the second day is never as bad as the first!" He said softly, resting on my shoulder. I rubbed my throat and looked down, shaking my head. Yesterday was too much. Nathanael was nice, and he respected my boundaries, but all the other kids were too much. They kept asking questions, and crowding around me. The only other kids who didn't come near me were four of the kids in the front. I don't know their names, although the blond boy was practically everywhere I looked outside of the school; posters, magazines, ads- everything.

To be honest, I wanted to try talking to them. They seemed really nice, and they didn't crowd me like everyone else. The blond had even tried to calm me down with a smile when I walked into the classroom. It was a little unnerving to have my entrance to the class be recorded by the ombré haired girl, though.

The blonde girl, Chloe, was actually pretty scary. She wouldn't stop glaring at me and when I was surrounded by everyone, she had tried to get me to talk, saying that I was lying about not being able to speak. No one else believed her except for the girl who sat next to her in class. What was her name? Sabrina?

"Earth to Jasper! Get going, or you're going to be late!"

I looked at my clock on my bedside and my eyes widened when I saw the time. I only had ten minutes to get to school on time. Was I really moping for over an hour? I quickly got dressed and ran my hands through my hair, before grabbing my bag and notebook, motioning for Neeks to hide in my jacket's pocket. He flew in and I ran out my door, waving goodbye to my mom along the way. I was really glad she chose a house close enough that on days like today I could run to school without a problem.

I ran into the classroom right as the bell rings for class to start and sighed, although the sound only comes out in my head. I rushed to my seat, ignoring the stares, and smiled a greeting to Nathanael, who gave me a smile back. I flipped open my notebook went go to one of my folded up pages, the folded part highlighted yellow, for easy access.

"Hi." It said, followed by, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. Are you okay? You just barely made it to class on time." He said softly, looking a little worried. I smiled and nodded, flipping to another folded page, this one highlighted light green.

"Thank you. I'm alright." Then to another page, this one blank. I began writing my response as Miss Bustier walked in, "I was running late. I didn't really want to come today, I don't want to get surrounded again." I showed him the notebook and he nodded, patting me on the shoulder before we both focused on the teacher.

Almost fifteen minutes after class started, the girl in the front with black hair comes in. What was her name?

"Marinette, late again, I see."

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