Preparing For a "Date"

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Chat Noir and I launched ourselves at the girl, Chat on the left while I took the right. Together we attacked from each side, and I hoped that either of our attacks hit. If my guess was correct, she could control people with her instructions, too, and that meant she could turn any of us against each other or stop either of us from landing a hit.

By her smirk, I knew something bad was going to happen.

"Wolven! In two point three seconds, go straight and fight Chat Noir!" The Akumatized girl said confidently, and suddenly I felt a pull in my gut as I tried to swipe at her with my claws, my feet carrying me forward as Chat Noir clipped her shoulder with his baton.

"Chat, dodge!" I said, panicked, trying to pull the claws back in. They couldn't cut skin, but they still freaked me out because they hurt and they were heading straight for Chat Noir and I definitely didn't want to hurt him.

He gasped and quickly jumped back, landing a few feet away. My body followed him, and began swiping my claws at him. I cursed softly under my breath, looking up at Chat from a crouch as my body prepared to strike. "I can't stop my body! Either you need to try and stop her, or we end up fighting to distract her!"


"Jump!"  He stumbled back a bit, my claws very lightly grazing his suit. Chat almost visibly gulped and looked at me for a moment, worry and uncertainty in his eyes before he ran towards the Akuma, staff poised to strike.

"Chat Noir, make the next possible u-turn and fight Wolven!" The girl cackled, jumping away from Chat Noir's attack with a large grin on her pale face; shining pearl teeth and gums all exposed. The next second he was turning around, letting out a small cry of surprise followed by a growl of frustration. Now he was coming after me, and either of us were really able to dodge.

My claws clanged against his staff, pushing it away and causing us to stumble apart. On and on we went, attacking each other and rarely landing a hit, a continuous play of left, right, swing, dodge, and all other things possible except our individual powers.

"Ladybug, are you done?!" Chat yelled, grunting slightly as we exchanged blows. I winced as his staff made contact with my shoulder. "Ow! Kitkat, at least try to use less force!"

"Sorry, I can't control it!"

I glanced over to where Ladybug was, wondering why she hadn't responded, and she was focused on the girl, yoyo swinging around. She was walking towards her, smiling the whole time.

The Akuma noticed her and growled. "Ladybug! Join the fight after making a right turn in five feet!"

Five feet later, and Ladybug walked right past us, not even sparing us a glance. I sighed in relief that she hadn't been affected, looking back at Chat when he let out a yelp of pain. My eyes widened when I saw that my claws had scrapped across his collarbone, creating three tears in the fabric of his suit. "O-Oh my- I'm so sorry!" I apologized quickly, gasping softly as I felt his staff connect with my side, hard.

He gave me a weak smile, "It's fine! Are you okay?"

I nodded, ignoring the dull pain in my side and looking back at Ladybug when I hear a shriek of annoyance. She had wrapped the girl in her yoyo's string, and was stepping closer to her. "Alright, Navigator, hand over the compass." Ladybug took the compass from the girl's hair, throwing it to the ground as hard as she could and shattering the glass.

The small purple butterfly flew from it and Ladybug caught it, releasing it a moment later as she said goodbye. A moment later she took out two small earplugs and tossed them into the air, shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Cat's New Toy (BoyxBoy, Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now