I Know You

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A few days later, Neeks was finally letting me rejoin patrols and fights. As thanks, I did in fact get him some M&Ms, but I made sure to only give him a small handful and hid the rest away to snack on at a later time or give him the next time he could have chocolate. He was pretty happy either way, so there were no real problems with that.

There had been one Akuma attack that day, and the looks on Ladybug and Chat Noir's faces when I appeared were just as priceless as the first time, although they quickly turned into happy looks. The three of us managed to subdue the Akuma with relative ease, and they filled me in on what I had missed. Apparently they had found a lead on where Hawkmoth was located, and now we had to figure out just how to get there with the element of surprise and when to attack.

We would have talked more but Chat Noir was close to transforming back and we all had to go back to school, so we said our goodbyes and decided to meet back up at patrol.

That night I left for patrol and found Chat Noir waiting by the place he had dropped me off after the Oogie-Boogie incident. I stopped by him, noticing how he was completely unaware, and grinned. Time for some payback. "Boo!" I shouted from behind him, making him cry out in surprise and turn around to face me.

"Wolven!" He whined, his own ears flattening against his head as I doubled over laughing. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Now you know how I feel!" I teased with a smile, lightly punching his arm. "That's payback for when you scared me!"

Chat Noir huffed and pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine...." He mumbled, before smiling gently at me and patting my shoulder. "You look much better now. I'm glad to have you back, Wolfy." He said softly, making my own smile grow.

"It's good to be back, Kitkat." I said softly, taking his hand and starting to pull him towards the meeting place for our patrol. "Come on, let's get going."

Chat Noir laughs and grins, letting himself be pulled. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What?" I glanced back at him, my smile never leaving.

"Remember when we just talked and walked around, only the two of us?"

At my nod, he continued. "Then, I was wondering if we could have more of those together. I had fun last time."

"I would love to." I smiled brightly, happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. "I had fun, too." I bit my lip though when I remembered how I had rushed away as quickly as I had. "I am really sorry about leaving so suddenly last time, by the way. I just... I realized something then, and it surprised me so much I had to sort it out."

"What'd you find out?"

I bit my lip, debating if I should tell him or not. After a moment I looked at him again, smiling. "I'll tell you after patrol." I promised, and even though Chat Noir didn't seem to like that idea, he nodded.


A few minutes later we arrived at the actual meeting point with Ladybug and waved to her from where she sat waiting. "Hey, Ladybug!"

She stood up when she saw us, coming over and hugging me. "Welcome back, Wolven! It's been surprisingly lonely without you around."

I laughed, hugging her back. "Yeah, well, I would have been back a few days ago had my Kwami not been overprotective." I said with a small laugh, feeling one of my ears flick in what must have been Neek's irritation cutting through. Ladybug laughed and smiled.

"Well, I think it's sweet."

I nodded, smiling. "He means well."

We went on to patrol and they caught me up a bit more about what had been going on while I was gone. They had talked with Master Fu and learned about their Kwamis and their superhero persona's past, and, as stated before, they had found Hawkmoth's lair. They still had no idea about their identities, though. Apparently, Ladybug still didn't want to breach the topic.

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