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My excitement didn't waver the rest of the day. Not even homework or bullying could drag me down from this idea that tonight I would be patrolling with Ladybug and Chat Noir. I knew that at least from Ladybug, it would be more of an interrogation, but I didn't care. I would be spending time with them, getting to know them more, showing them that I can help.

At a quarter till eight, I transformed and rushed to the Eiffel Tower, bounding up the side of it with ease. I perched myself up at the top and waited for Chat and Ladybug to make their way here, humming softly as I waited. I swung myself in lazy circles around the very tip, holding on with one hand and holding the other out to balance me. I was humming "Singing in the Rain" and wasn't very focused on my surroundings.

"All you need to complete that song is for it to start raining."

I let out an undignified yelp and jumped a few feet into the air, my hair standing on end as I grabbed the tower to keep my balance. I'm fairly certain my tail puffed out and a growl slipped from my throat as I looked at the laughing black cat before me, my cheeks slowly getting hotter as the superhero laughed. "Oh my god, Wolven! I didn't think I'd scare you!"

"Chat Noir... I'm only giving you one warning. Do that again and I will knock you unconscious." I growled, swatting at him as an almost playful gesture as he finished laughing, a large grin still on his face and his green eyes shining bright.

"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't help it. It's really nice to see you so relaxed and unfocused, actually." He took the position I had previously been in, his own tail swaying lightly in the breeze. I was thankful most of my skin was covered by clothing, since this was not the best time of year to be exposing skin. I was also very glad I had very real ears and tail, and something that wasn't skin tight, because while it made Ladybug and Chat Noir look sexy, I would have been much too self conscious to do anything helpful, and this was much more my style.

I tilted my head to the side slightly. "What do you mean? There's no way you really know what I'm like when you've only seen me during fights that probably take ten minutes each."

He shrugged and grabbed his tail, twirling it as he looked around for a certain spotted hero. "Well, you always seem tense and a little too focused during battles. You were so focused today that I had to physically pull you away from the fight, and your miraculous almost broke." As if to make a point he swung his body closer to me and with his free hand grabbed my necklace, examining the new chain I had put on earlier. I leaned back and tried to ignore the heat rising in my face from how close we were. I had no reason to be blushing.

He studied my miraculous with so much intensity, my heart started racing and I was sure something on me would burst into flames, be it my heart, shirt, face, or my miraculous. "Can you explain to me how this works, Wolven?"

I blinked and looked at him in the eye as he lifted his face up to look at mine. "What are you asking about?"

"Your miraculous. Why does it have two pendants with a different design each?"

I studied my miraculous from his hand, looking at the larger pendant with five black stripes running through the wolf image diagonally, then at the smaller dark blue pendant with a three small silver moons on it. "Oh... That's because of my power... I'll tell you about it when Ladybug gets here since it'll be easier to explain." He nodded and his ears perked up a second before the rest of his body did, causing him to move away and look into the distance. "Speak of the bug." He mumbled before grinning and waving. Ladybug soon joined us on the tower and she smiled at Chat.

"Evening, Milady." Chat purred, swinging himself a little closer and trying to look flirtatious. "Good evening, Chat." She giggled kindly, before her gaze turned to me and became a glare.

Cat's New Toy (BoyxBoy, Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now