Macaroons and Evening Revelation

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The moment I walked through the door, Mom removed the boxes of macaroons from my hands, set them down on the small table for keys and other things, then proceeded to crush my lungs as she hugged me.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" She cried, burying her face in my shoulder and holding me even tighter. "I've been so worried! When you didn't come home or text me ten minutes after the attack, I-I thought something might have happened to you and the Dupain-Chengs!" She pulled away when I lightly tapped her back three times in quick succession, which, in these types of hugs, meant I couldn't breathe.

Now, some might say that she was being over protective, but I thought the timing made sense, especially when an Akuma was causing things to blow up or crashing to other things, and your one and only child- who is mute- had disappeared without a word aside from the promise of a superhero that they were safe. Five minutes of waiting to make sure everything was clear to leave, and five minutes to finish getting anything from the bakery and heading home. The walk between our home and the bakery was only a few minutes long, after all.

Mom's eyes were watery and her irises shined like gems, red blotches and puffiness forming around them making me realize just how scared I made her. This hurt much more than her being angry and disappointed in me. I scared her, and I promised her I wouldn't do it ever again after the accident.

I looked down feeling my own tears start to sting my eyes. I was an idiot for not thinking this through today. First, I forget to place a note saying I was leaving so she doesn't think I left without telling her, then I forgot to make sure I made it back in a reasonable amount of time. I took mom's hand and gently traced letters into it, spelling out "I'm sorry."

She took a deep breath and shook her head, the corner of her lips twitching into a small smile. "No, no, it's okay. You're okay." She held my hand gently in her own and her thumb stroked the back of my hand soothingly. "I'm still trying to get used to all this, y'know? All these innocent people being turned into villains, superheroes, the new home... I don't know how you've adjusted so quickly." She laughed softly and brushed her hair behind her ear, lifting her gaze so she made eye contact with me. I shrugged slightly and offered her a shaky smile, before writing, "Friends?" on her palm.

She laughed sweetly and nodded. "Yes, I suppose friends would definitely help with adjusting." I nodded and smiled, happy to see she was already bouncing back from worrying.

A second later her smile turned into a smirk, a teasing light flickering to life in her eyes as she grabbed the boxes she had set down before. "Speaking of friends, the blond boy you brought over a while ago certainly was cute." She hummed, turning to go to the kitchen and set the boxes down. "When are you going to ask him out on a date?" She turned her head slightly to look at me from the corner of her eyes as she gave me a suggestive smirk.

My face flared red and I hid my face in my hands, thoroughly embarrassed. Her laugh sounded like bells as she opened the freezer, setting one of the boxes of macaroons there as I entered the kitchen.

I really wished I had my voice, wanting to exclaim in embarrassment instead of silently suffer.  I huffed and grabbed the small notebook in my pocket to talk to her.

"I don't like him like that!"

She giggled and shook her head slightly. "Your face says otherwise, sweetheart."

"Mom!!!!" My entire face felt hot now, only proving her point further. I was probably close to matching the red of my eyes.

She lightly covered her mouth with her hand and tried to hold back giggles, a small snort leaving instead. I huffed quietly, crossing my arms over my chest and turning away. She cooed softly and walked over, hugging me around my waist gently. "Aw, I'm sorry. I'll stop teasing you now." She pat my stomach lightly and moved away, going to the box she left out.

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