Akuma Exhibition (Part 1)

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Seven days later, and it was time for Mom's Exhibition. When we moved here, we had gotten a house with two floors, just for this, and set up all her artwork on the top floor of our house. We had a table off to the side for some food and drinks, and the Dupain-Chengs were setting that up. Neeks was down in my room, laying low unless I needed him.

"I really can't thank you enough for helping me with this." Mom said to the family as she helped me straighten one of her paintings.

"Don't worry about, Mitzy! It's nothing, really. We offered, after all." Madame Dain-Cheng says with a smile.

I smiled as I stepped back to admire the five pictures, as this was my favorite series of them all. She had created a series of paintings of the animals that the superheroes stood for, so there was a small red ladybug, a black cat, and a gray wolf. At first, there was only the cat and the ladybug, but then it shows the wolf coming in and then all three of them as having fun in the last two pictures.

I heard the doorbell ring and motioned that I was going to get it, rushing downstairs and opening the door. I smiled when I saw Adrien, Alya, Nino, waving and letting them in. I pointed upstairs to let them know that was where the art exhibition was.

"Great! Our parents will be by later, after it starts. Although it might not be Adrien's dad." Nino said, sighing a little in disappointment.

"He said he might come by, but the chances of it being Nathalie are a lot higher." Adrien said, smiling a little sadly. I patted his shoulder in a comforting gesture and was about to go upstairs with them when the doorbell rang again. I waved them up and went over to the door, opening it.

I froze when I saw two extremely familiar people, next to someone who I had only caught a glimpse of. The male was trying to reign in the excited little girl bouncing around his feet, a stuffed dog toy clutched title in her hands.

"Evangelique, sweetheart, calm down. You need to be in your best behavior!" The male said, when he noticed me. He blushed slightly in embarrassment and grabbed little Angel, lifting her up and holding her. "Sorry. We made the mistake of letting her had ice cream before coming here. You're Jasper... Right?"

I snapped out of my surprise at seeing Evangelique and her father here, nodding and looking over to the woman. She had long, wavy brown hair with bangs swept over one eye, which were lovely sky blue eyes, and naturally tanned skin that was a tad lighter than Nino's.  She was taller than me but shorter than Angel's father, who was probably 5'11. She smiled and waved before speaking.

"Hi, I'm Astrid Gosier, and this is my boyfriend Noel Labelle and his daughter Evangelique." My eyes widened in surprise. Wow, mom wasn't kidding when she said they were gorgeous. I motioned them into the house and pointed upstairs to let them know that was where mom was. Madam Gosier bowed her head a little in thanks. "Your mother has told me so much about you! It's really nice to finally meet you, Jasper."

I nodded and smiled, shaking her hand before writing down, "Likewise." on her palm. I left my notebook in my room since I didn't realize Mom's crushes would be arriving so soon.

"Your eyes are really pretty." Angel said after a moment, and I looked at her, smiling. I pointed to my lips and slowly mouthed "Thank you" to her, and she tilted her head to the side. "Why can't you talk?"

"Eva!" Her father scolded lightly, "You know it's not nice to ask things like that so suddenly!"

I laughed weakly and waved off his concern in an "It's alright" fashion, and held up a finger to tell them to hold on a minute, then went to get my notebook. I came back a moment later and quickly wrote, "I had an accident and my voice doesn't work anymore."

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