Meeting Momma Mitzy

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With a shaky smile I nodded my acknowledgement to Mr.Agreste's words, before grabbing Adrien and Nino's hands and quickly leaving the room, pulling them behind me.

"Jasper, are you sure you're alright?" Nino asked, and I shook my head as we went back to Adrien's bedroom so he could get anything he'd need.

When we were there, I let go of their hands and closed the door, only for a pair of hands to grab me and pull me to the bed, forcing me to sit on it. I looked up only to see Adrien was looking at me, his hands on my shoulders. His eyes were sad, and his touch was.... Unexpectedly gentle. Not that gentleness didn't rain off this boy, but still.

"You're still shaking... Is there anything we can do to help?" He asked, slowly take his hands off my shoulders and sitting next to me. Nino sat on the other side, and I looked down at the notebook in my lap, twisting the pencil in my hands. I could see the shaking myself, even though I couldn't feel it. I flipped open the notebook, and slowly I started writing, trying to keep my hand steady.

"Can I have a hug?" I wrote, dropping the pencil onto the paper when I was done. Not even a second after I did so do I feel two warm and comforting bodies hug me tightly, and I nearly burst into tears. How can a simple hug with two boys I just met less than a week ago make me feel safe enough to cry?

I let out a silent sob and wrapped my arms around their arms that were around me, not really sure how else to return the hug from this position. I let my tears fall onto my lap, not sure if the tears were from relief or from fear. The memories scared me. They hurt, yet these two classmates made the pain go away just as fast as my mom or Neeks did.

After a few minutes I calmed down and let go of their arms, and the group hug ended. "Do you feel better?" Adrien asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, and he smiled. "That's good. I'll get started on packing for the night, then. I imagine you want to get out of here pretty fast."

Once again I nodded, and after a few minutes we were ready to leave. We went downstairs and outside, where a lady with a red streak in her hair was waiting along with a gorilla-like man. "Adrien, we'll take you three to Jasper's house." She said strictly, motioning for the three of us to get in the limo and leaving no room for argument. Truthfully, with how dark it was getting, going with them was probably the smartest decision.

We all got in the car and stopped by Nino's house so he could get stuff for the sleepover, then I hand the gorilla man and the lady my address for them to find. "It's crazy close to the school, actually. Not as close as the bakery Marinette's parents run, but still really close." I wrote after the address, tearing that page out of the notebook so they didn't have to keep asking me for it.

"Oh, my mom might be up and walking around late tonight, so if we fall asleep before that I'm sorry if she wakes you." I wrote, showing Adrien and Nino the notebook.

"What does your mom do, Jasper?" Nino asked curiously.

"She's a painter."


I nodded, and  Nino's grin widened. "That's so cool!"

"Where can we find her paintings?" Adrien asked curiously, smiling slightly. I began to write in my notebook, stopping a few times to think of how to write this.

"Well, she hasn't sold any of them yet, and she's only had a few exhibitions here and there. She never thought of making it a job until my accident and we moved here."

"I see." As he said that we arrived at my house and got out of the limo, Nino whistling in awe.

"Wow, you really do live close to school." He said with a grin as we went into the house. There was a light on in mom's studio, and I shook my head slightly as I turned on the lights in the living room as well as the tv. I wrote in my notebook, "Movies are next to the tv, pick whichever ones you want and get it started while I make sure mom eats, I'll get some snacks, too," before tearing it out and handing it to them before going to the kitchen. I make something simple for mom to eat and get her a new bottle of water, walking to her studio door and knocking.

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