The Dancer (Part 2)

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(This cover of Counting Stars is what inspired this Akuma and fight scene. I hope you enjoy!)

Streaker and I head to the stage, Ladybug summoning her lucky charm behind me and Chat going to turn the music up a little more from the controls. The people in the stadium had grown quiet, confusion on their faces because did a hero or Paris just say they were going to fight by dancing?

As I walked, I whispered into my necklace to "Arcessere: Swan" because I knew I was going to be rusty and I'd need a swan's grace to help me at least a little. The music became louder and a song was just ending as we got on the stage, so I bowed to the Akuma in the silence. "Would you prefer to go first, or shall I?"

Streaker huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "Challenger goes first! I thought that was obvious!" I just shrug in response, listening as some version of Counting Stars began to play.

Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
Baby I've been I've been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars
Yeah we'll be counting stars...

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, listening for a short moment before beginning to dance. I was listening to the girl sing as I danced, and just as the intro came to a stop, I once again bowed, grinning at Streaker. She the began to dance, her body gliding across her half of the stage as she twirled.  My tail twitched in anticipation as I felt the next part for me to dance coming up, the grin on my face never leaving. I could already see Ladybug starting to get into position, but I couldn't see what her lucky charm was.

The moment the girl started to sing again is when I started to dance, giggling quietly to myself as my adrenaline began to spike. Even though I had barely started to dance, I was already having so much fun. I twirled and moved my body to the beat, and the moment the boy started to sing the part before the chorus, I couldn't help but jump, flipping in the air and landing on my feet just before we both danced to the chorus. I could hear loud cheers from around the stadium, and as I glanced at Streaker I could tell she looked mad. Looks like I stole her spotlight with that flip.

As the next verse began I stopped dancing, catching my breath as Streaker danced her part. There were some cheers as she did impressive dance moves, her ribbons flowing around her like water even if they were tangled together. I looked around for Ladybug and Chat, noticing the surprise in their eyes and what almost looked like admiration. I gave them a slightly cheeky grin before tilting my head to Streaker when I began to dance at the next part, trying to tell them that now was probably one of the best times to attack since she was getting angry.

As I danced I felt something wrap around my ankle, causing me to look down and see she had gotta a ribbon untangled. The ribbon yanked my leg out from under me and I fell from surprise to the ground, but after a quick slash from my metal claws, I was up and dancing again as the chorus started up once more. Now more ribbons were coming at me, trying to knock me down as cheers came from those around the stadium. I faintly hear a "You can do it, Wolven!" That sounded vaguely like Chat's voice but I was losing myself as I danced, ignoring everything around me except the stage and Streaker.

I saw Chat coming running as the song started to come to a close, his power activated in his hand as he ran to the stage, using his power to destroy the flooring under Streaker and in turn trapping her right as the sing ended. She struggled, trying to get out of the hole with the ribbons she had untangled, still trying to get to me. I stood there a few feet in front of her, panting and sweaty. I grinned and laughed happily, "I win!"

Streaker snarled in annoyance as one of my stripes beeped, and I knew my five minutes had started just like Chat's had, and Ladybug only had two minutes left. Ladybug came over and cut up the ribbons that had become loose once again, effectively leaving Streaker weaponless. She crouched down and tore off the band around the akumatized dancer's arm, and the three of us watched as the butterfly came out of the destroyed fabric. Ladybug quickly caught the butterfly and let it go, tossing the lucky charm-a pair of scissors- into the air, returning everything to how it was supposed to be. That other dancer, Axel, returned to the stage, and the victim turned back to normal as well. They stared at each other awkwardly before Axel coughed in an attempt to break the ice and held out his hand. ".... Um... How about we dance together?  I'm sure the crowd will like that. You were really good out there."

The girl had no idea what was going on, it was clear in her eyes, but she gladly accepted and stood up with Axel's help. "That sounds great."

Three resounding beeps echoed around the five people here, and all three of us superheroes smiled at each other. "Well, we should go our separate ways now. I'll see you guys at patrol?"

"You bet!" Chat grinned as Ladybug smiled and nodded, a new look of appreciation in her eyes as she looked at me. She swung her yoyo and latched onto the edge of the stadium. "I'll see you both there!" She said before swinging away with a waved. Chat and I watched her go, my ear twitching as I caught a longing sigh coming from Chat.

"We should go too, Chat." I said softly, turning to see a longing and loving look in his eyes, mixed with admiration. I felt something inside me when I saw that look, almost like jealousy. But why should I be jealous? I only met these people a few days ago for crying out loud.

He snapped out of his daze and he looked at me, smiling. "Right." With that, we left the stadium after a final goodbye and went our separate ways.

I entered my room as the final beep sounded, and after a bright flash of light, I was once again permanently silenced and a tired little wolf Kwami landed in my hands.

I set him down on my bed and gave him a piece of candy, watching as he perked right back up. "Jasper, that was great! I didn't know you could dance!"

I blushed and shrugged, grabbing my notebook and writing in it, "I haven't danced since that. I wasn't able to walk for a while and when I was, having a rather messed up windpipe and vocal cords that not longer function properly thanks to scarring kind of made dancing a painful thing to do. So, I stopped. I forgot how much fun it was, though. It makes me a little sad that I can't do it more often, though."

Neeks read it as he nibbled on another candy, nodding here and there. "I see.... I'm sorry." He flew over and nuzzled my cheek, making me let out a weak giggle-like sound. I cupped him in my hands once again and nuzzled him gently, hoping that the mental thought I had could pass to him through my actions.

It's okay, because I have you. You have given me more than I ever dreamed, and you have given me companionship. You're my best friend, Neeks. Thank you for everything.

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