Difference Between Kwamis

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I thought a little bit longer, before turning to Neeks, who was waiting quietly for a decision. He studied my face for a moment before his ears drooped.

"You want to fight?" He asked softly, ears drooping further as he took in the look I must have been giving him. I nodded and he looked down. "Okay.... We can't stay long though, and your transformation won't hold well." He warned, making me a little confused. What did he mean that my transformation would hold well?

I transformed seconds later, and immediately felt something off about it. My throat still hurt and when I studied my body I saw that marks from the tentacles still covered my arms. My miraculous let out a shrill beep, and I watched, shocked, as one of the stripes disappeared. "W-What the?! Why did I already lose a stripe?!" I yelled in confusion, staring with wide eyes. A large crash alerted me to the school  and I pushed my worries to the back of my head to focus on the task in front of me. I need to help Ladybug and Chat Noir.

I crouched low and my boots activated, clicking faintly before I leapt into the air and over the school's walls. I ran towards the cafeteria when I heard Chat Noir yell Ladybug's name, eyes widening slightly when I see the half-frozen Akuma waving tentacles around and having some of them wrapped around Ladybug and Chat Noir. Their suits were dissolving much more slowly than normal clothes thanks to magic, but it still caused my stomach to twist into knots.

The Akuma itself was a bright, almost radioactive chemical green color that was translucent and showed the shape of what might have been a science beaker. It never stayed in one place for long, traveling from tentacle to tentacle and through the body as long as it wasn't frozen or broken by the liquid nitrogen.

"Guys! Hang on, I'll find a way to get you out!" I called up to them from where they were being held, glancing back to the body of the Akuma. It had dissolved a good portion of the floor and ceiling, and got itself stuck in the hole it created, but the mass of tentacles it had was enough to keep Ladybug from being able to grab what seemed to be the hiding place of the butterfly.

"You're late!" Ladybug snapped in irritation, and although we weren't on the best of terms, it sounded like she was more irritated by the Akuma than my tardiness. Chat Noir smiled brightly at me with relief in his eyes, mouth opening to say something before it clamped shut as the happiness disappeared and was quickly replaced with worry and confusion. "What happened to your arms?" He yelled down to me instead.

"Worry about that later! Let's just get you two out of there before your suits dissolve!"

Ladybug gasped and became a lot more nervous, and I could only guess one of her spots disappeared. "Hurry! I don't have very long!"

I looked around for the lucky charm, wanting to spray the tentacles and cut them with my claws once they were frozen. I spotted the red and black "gun" that held the solution behind a half dissolved table and rushed for it, snatching it from the ground and ducking as a tentacle shot towards me. It turned around and came after me again, causing Ladybug to shout, "Behind you!"

I turned and yelped as it wrapped around my wrist, instinctively trying to shake it off before I sprayed it with the liquid nitrogen, watching it freeze over. I smashed the tentacle and rushed towards where the others were, dodging more of the appendages as they tried to wrap around me too.

"Arcessere: Lemur!" I murmured, before jumping and climbing along the destroyed cafeteria with ease. I grabbed onto one of the steel pipes hanging from the hole from the second floor and sprayed the tentacles holding the other superheroes as well as the tentacles near them. I was about to swing from the pipe onto one of the frozen tentacles but before I could give myself enough distance a tentacle wrapped around my leg and yanked me down, scrapping my hand up in the process as it was forced from it's hold on the broken pipe.

Cat's New Toy (BoyxBoy, Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now