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I looked down at my phone again and saw that Amanda texted me again. Why does she have to text me every five fucking minutes? Didn't she see I didn't want to go?

I didn't care what my parents said. I didn't need to go to college and most importantly I didn't need Amanda dragging me around. Fuck Washington State. Fuck everything. I could hear my mom's fucking voice right now.

You shouldn't be acting this way Taylor. You should be more like your sister.

Fucking nag. I squeezed the phone in my hand before shoving it in my pocket. She hates being ignored. Maybe this will send the fucking message through her goddamn skull.

"Wanna go inside?" Brendon asked me as I straightened up my posture. His eyes were dull and his hair was jet black. He was a fucking weed head but he was very chill. He lived in my neighborhood and was one of my highschool friends - one of my friends that I trusted most. At first I only liked him because he used to buy me cigarettes but after getting to know him, I realized that he had been through a lot. Like me, he has shitty parents that he doesn't keep in contact anymore. I respected him, more than my parents and my sister combined.

"In a little bit, I wanna have a smoke first" I popped up the cigarette from the carton and put it in between my lips. Brendon handed me a lighter and lit it. I breathed in the smoke and suddenly felt relaxed. We stood outside the diner leaning against the wall. One of Brendon's friends, Luke, disappeared inside the diner to take a piss and never came back. "A piss" right.

"Ready for your first day of WSU, big boy?" he said in a tone that made me want to punch him.

"Go to hell. I'm not going."

"Still that bitter boy from highschool huh?" he smirked, pulling out a joint from his leather jacket. "Life's not that bad is it?"

"Worse than you think. Amanda's annoying the shit out of me, texting and calling me every five minutes. Imagine dealing with that."

He lit his joint before chuckling a bit. "I wouldn't mind. She loves you -"

"More like tortures me. I think I'm going to loose my fucking mind. Sometimes I just wanna kill her.." I say in a low voice as an old couple passes through the glass doors.

"You know you love her. She's your little sister, you have to protect her. Not hurt her."

I frowned, "Don't you fucking think I know that? She doesn't need me - she proves that. Don't fucking fall for that innocent demeanor she carries. She's the biggest bitch."

"And really cute.." he said, his cheeks turning a bright pink. Ew.

"She has a boyfriend, jeez. And he's an asshole." I said, taking a big puff and letting the smoke escape from in between my lips. The sky was tracked with grey clouds and the scene was nice. A heavy draft of wind blew around us. Goddammit.

"Do you like anyone?" he asked with his eyes squinted.

"You're decent.." I smiled with the smoke in between my lips. My phone was blowing up through my jeans and I knew it was Amanda telling me to get on campus. She was going to kill me for ignoring her but I don't give two shits about class. There is so much shit I'd rather be doing and WSU wasn't one of them.

The glass door opened and Luke, finally, came walking towards us with a piece of paper in his hands. Asshole.

"That was the longest god damned piss ever." I hissed between my teeth and he laughed. Always fucking laughing.

He ignored me, turning to Brendon and started telling some insane story of how he was getting a girl's number. So fucking humble. I hated Luke, never trusted him. He was just another fuck boy and I honestly cared less for them. He's just trouble. No girl deserves to be played like that. I feel bad for that girl.

Asshole. Why would Brendon want to hang with scum like him?

As they talked and joked, I pulled the red beanie over my head and put the cigarette back in between my lips. Better.

A beat up blue truck came swerving in the diner and squeezed in between the cars. What kind of asshole would swerve in like that? My breathing slowed as I saw a red head girl get out of the truck. She hugged her arms and held hands with a boy who had too many tattoos and dressed like a typical douchebag. I suddenly hated him. She looked up into my eyes and I felt my heart swell. She was.. beautiful. I dropped the cigarette and stepped on it as she quickly looked away.

"I want to go inside now," I told Brendon and he shrugged as I lead the way.

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