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*A/N: Want to know what Hayley's POV's are like before and after Taylor? If so, I've written a separate book called "Dorm Room" where the story is told in in Hayley's POVs only! It's up on my page so check it out :) I think you'll like it.

(^^ yes that was my shitty self advertisement)

...On another note I decided to go ahead with my original plan and end the book with 50 chapters so there will only be a few chapters left after this! Pls dn't hate me (heueueueh)


"Hayley!" my dad screeched as I came in the door. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. It's been so long since I've seen him.

"I've been worried sick about you... you said you'd be home months ago." his thick eyebrows furrowed at me and I shook my head.

"I've been so busy with school and everything - I just didn't have time."

"You always have time for family.."

"I'm sorry Dad.." I apologized and looked back at Chad that was coming in the door.

"Chad, it's been a long time" they shook hands and dove into small talk.

I felt so weird coming back home. The house looked the same. It was big and spacious. So many memories started to flood back as I looked around the place, memories good and bad. I stared at the two as they talked. Did he think Chad and I were still together? He was the man that called us a "strange but perfect couple" but if he found out?

Taylor and I had been dating for almost four months but it seemed so much longer. How come it felt longer when I was with him when Chad and I dated longer?

I have no clue what Chad and I are doing now but he is so convinced we're dating. I didn't want to rush into things, I did just leave Taylor a day ago. After what happened, I knew I was ready to go back home. But am I ready to go back with Chad? Things just didn't feel the same anymore, something just didn't feel right now that I'm finally here. Especially after the realization.

I still didn't know yet.

I stared at my dad as they were laughing about something. If I was, how would he react? He'd be disappointed, I just know it. At my young age of 23, I could see his disappointed eyes staring back at me. This whole way here I was praying that I wasn't. It wasn't the time I just wasn't ready.

Maybe I was freaking out like Chad said in the car and not thinking straight. I needed to think positive.

I grabbed majority of my bags and dragged it upstairs. My room was at the very end of the hall. I opened the door and almost lost my breath when I stared at the scene in front of me. Everything was the same, just how I had it when I left only much cleaner. My eyes scrolled to the pictures of Chad and I over my bed. I remember those days. The days when I thought I loved him, the days when he didn't utterly fuck up.

I sat down the bags and looked at my reflection. I cringed when I saw my blonde hair. Maybe bleaching it was a mistake. I'm gonna have to get used to it. My skin was deathy pale and my eyes were red and puffy from crying. Not knowing this long was killing me and Chad was still down there talking to my dad. He had it in one of his bags and I was dying to use it and get it over with.

"That was hell," Chad finally walked in.

"After all these years I thought I'd begin to like him but no.. still hate him." he dropped his bags and plopped on my old bed.

"Can I have it now? I really wanna get this over with.." I asked. I was going to wait until I got everything unpacked and settled but my nerves were jumping and I needed to know now before my exploded.

"I know you aren't but.. here" he reached into his bag and tossed it to me.

I read the generic directions which only made my nerves worse. Fuck, I've never used one of these before. I left the room and went into the bathroom. After I finished reading the directions and using the test, I dropped to the floor and all I could think about doing was crying.

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